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Back to School’s Greatest Hits for 2016

Back to School’s Greatest Hits for 2016

Ready or not, here it comes! Schedules. Early bedtimes. Shiny new supplies. Homework. Some call it a hassle, while others call it a return to sanity, but we all know it as Back To School Madness!

We hope these articles help you up your BTS game and make your year (or at least the first week) a bit easier.

parent teacher
Your new teachers will be the adult to  have the most influence on your child outside of your own. Treat them kindly.
Parent/Teacher Relationships


Spicing Up 1st Day of School Photos
These are easy tips to pull off!
Getting Organized to Go Back
back to school collage final
Delicious meals for busy families.
Feeding Their Bellies & Their Brains
All Things Educational


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