Below is a list of local businesses and organizations that are currently offering classes or lessons for children in Huntsville. To better assist you in your search, the list is divided up by age as much as possible but please check the age requirements closely as some overlap (i.e. Preschool is sometimes 2-5 years old and sometimes 4-6 years old). Rocket City Mom provides these links as a service to local parents and a listing here does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation from Rocket City Mom. Looking for kid’s sports or athletics programs? Check our Youth Sports Directory.
NOTE: This listing is constantly being updated and changed. A link on this page does not mean that a class is still available.
(256) 536-7080
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The Dance Factor offers dance education and instruction to all ages and abilities. Join us for our summer dance camp program where each camp is filled with exciting themes, dancing, and crafts for all ages and abilities.
(615) 573-2702
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The Science Guys’ traveling science programs were created with the homeschooled child in mind. These hands-on science activities enhance your Homeschool curriculum. Our science instructors are enthusiastic and trained to get your kids excited about science!
4747 Bob Wallace Avenue SW
Huntsville, AL 35805
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Come and enjoy exciting stories for the season, crafts, learning activities, and walks (weather permitting) in the garden with your little Sprout! Each class offers a different adventure to get your little one experiencing nature and all it has to offer. The Garden offers a variety of programs for children and teenagers throughout the year, including individual and family classes, camps for children, and birthday parties. All classes meet in the education classrooms and will include inside and outside experiences. Participants must be pre-registered for all programs. There will be no registration the day of programs due to supply and class size limitations.
Rocket City Sewical
3077 Leeman Ferry Road
Suite A-1
Huntsville, AL 35801
Facebook | Website
Rocket City Sewcial is a sewing studio that offers weekly classes, mini sessions, and summer camps for kids 8 years old and up. We also offer mini sessions for kids aged 6 & 7 that teach hand sewing. No sewing experience, no problem! We are here to teach the art of machine sewing. From beginner basics to advanced techniques. No sewing machine, no problem! We provide sewing machines, fabric, and supplies for the kids’ classes. We can’t wait to have you join us for a “sew”cial experience.