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Know Your Vote: Joseph Wayman, Huntsville City Council District 1

Know Your Vote: Joseph Wayman, Huntsville City Council District 1

With the goal of keeping local parents (and voters) as informed as possible about all things parent-related, the editors of Rocket City Mom compiled “4 Questions for the Candidates”. We asked all the Huntsville City and Madison City candidates to answer the same four questions, and have published their responses unedited and as they have sent them to us.

Get to know a little about each candidate and where they stand on serving local families in our full Know Your Vote series. We encourage all of our readers to exercise their democratic right and vote on Tuesday, August 25, 2020.

4 Questions with Joseph Wayman

Q. What do you see as the top three most pressing issues facing Huntsville today? What are your plans to address those issues?
The Top three issues facing Huntsville are Access to Local Government, Equality in public Services, And Transparency in Public Fines.

To address Access, I will Make myself available to district one residents, by responding to questions and inquiries.. this will be a big change from the status quo!

Equality in Public Services can be addressed by putting road projects in district one in the same priority as other districts, and by allowing for district one to have a voice. The citizens need a voice not just a representative. I can bring voices forward, instead of determining for them what is the right move.

Q. Why do you believe you are the right person for this office?
I believe I am the right person for this office, because I’ve seen how this office has been used incorrectly. People who want change, need to work together to make it happen. I can see obvious room for improvement. If we start with the obvious and move on to other gripes with local government, we will see community improve. We don’t need somebody taking credit for “Gifts” to the community, OUR taxpayer funds make these projects happen.

Q. What will you do differently than the incumbent?
I will do as Birmingham did with their monuments, and move It.. not just ask for permission from every source.
I will move to connect Orbit to the Airport, to benefit the public, the tourist, and the traveler.

Q. What is your overall vision/mission when it comes to families living in your city? What are your ideas about how to best serve them specifically?
Families living in this city have a great place to raise children. We need to focus on keeping it this way. As schools do more and more online the education standards can be shared through interactive lesson planning across the district, giving every school choice the same resources.

Every school can have the same lessons, and lectures. Instructors can contribute and moderate within their classrooms by preparing their own lessons, or using interactive planning.

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