Know Your Vote: Karen Denzine, Madison City Council District 6

With the goal of keeping local parents (and voters) as informed as possible about all things parent-related, the editors of Rocket City Mom compiled “4 Questions for the Candidates”. We asked all the Huntsville City and Madison City candidates to answer the same four questions, and have published their responses unedited and as they have sent them to us.
Get to know a little about each candidate and where they stand on serving local families in our full Know Your Vote series. We encourage all of our readers to exercise their democratic right and vote on Tuesday, August 25, 2020.
4 Questions with Karen Denzine
Q. What do you see as the top three most pressing issues facing Huntsville today? What are your plans to address those issues?
City growth which has a negative impact on the residents, maintaining our infrastructure, and enhancing our quality of life are the three most pressing problems. Managed growth is necessary. We need a better balance. I support city growth which does not result in congested roads and crowded classrooms. Each proposed residential development or annexation will be evaluated based on its merit – do the benefits outweigh the costs to the city? Targeting a variety of businesses would benefit our community by increasing our revenue, bringing jobs closer to home, and improving our quality of life.
Q. Why do you believe you are the right person for this office?
My education and work experience taught me the principles of city planning. Zoning, annexation, and easements are issues brought up for a vote frequently at the City Council meetings. I understand how the City Council works. I regularly attend Council meetings and Work Sessions in order to better understand the issues. I’ve served on the Industrial Development Board to help bring businesses and jobs to Madison. My campaign is not funded by developers. I will be accountable to the citizens of Madison. I have increased my understanding of the needs of the residents by volunteering for Madison’s Meals on Wheels, Kids to Love, and providing childcare at the Downtown Rescue Mission weekly. Hospice care has a special place in my heart.
Q. What will you do differently than the incumbent?
I will represent the citizens of Madison District 6 on the issues facing Madison. The incumbent, Mr. Clark, continually abstains and recuses himself from votes (60+ times since June 2019*). The constituents of the district have not had a voice on many the issues important to them. My husband and I have retired in Madison. I have no conflict of interest issues due to employment.
Q. What is your overall vision/mission when it comes to families living in your city? What are your ideas about how to best serve them specifically?
I am grateful to live in Madison, one of the top places to live in the country. The residents basically want three things: a decent place to live, a good job, and good schools for their families. We need to keep making smart decisions to keep families safe, continue to grow business opportunities and keep on improving our schools.
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Rocket City Mom is a website about raising children in and around Huntsville, Alabama. Started in late 2010 by a local mom and newcomer to Huntsville, Rocket City Mom has grown into a thriving community of local parents and now boasts a staff of four, thirteen regular contributors, and tens of thousands of Tennessee Valley readers making it the #1 Parenting Resource in North Alabama.