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Huntsville Memorial Day Weekend Roundup

Huntsville Memorial Day Weekend Roundup

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Who’s ready for a socially distant Memorial Day Weekend?

Like many area families, our little pod of four is certainly itching to “return to normal” but I think we all know that’s a fantasy. Whatever your feelings about how safe it is to get out and do ALL THE THINGS, we here at Rocket City Mom encourage you to follow government and health guidelines and keep your distance, wear a mask when that’s not possible, and above all remember that these measures are not about individual protection but rather keeping those around us safe, especially the most vulnerable in our community.

Need a refresher on the ins and outs of our new normal? We happen to love everything about this sign at Stovehouse including the Schitt$ Creek reference 🙂

Stovehouse instructions for #diningatadistance

So, now that we’ve covered the flight instructions..let’s get to all that fun you can have!

Weekend Fun (at a distance)

  • Start off your weekend with a virtual prenatal yoga class courtesy of Women4Women. Hot tip: you don’t have to be pregnant to benefit from this. Details
  • The Alabama Jubilee is happening this Saturday but with a lot of changes. Details.
  • The Cinemagic Drive-In in Athens is celebrating it’s 15 year anniversary with a double feature all weekend (Friday-Monday night). Details
  • Looking for a free drive-in option a little closer to home? Check out Mid-City’s Drive-In viewing of Wonder Woman. Details
  • The Huntsville Botanical Garden is open but be sure to read the new rules before heading out. Details
  • Arts Huntsville is offering their Summer Street Jams series (Fridays and Saturdays) around downtown Huntsville. Details
  • Campus 805 is offering live music all weekend as well as part of their Summer Sessions Live on the Patio series. Details
  • Get your fill of fresh fruit and veggies by shopping at various local Farmers Markets. Details
  • You’ve got about a week left to pick your own strawberries at Brown Farms. Details
  • Looking for a stroller-friendly walk that’s not in your neighborhood? Consider Aldridge Creek Greenway. Details
  • Don’t forget to order a family-sized take out meal from any of these 40+ Huntsville/Madison restaurants. Details

Since the pandemic started we here at RCM have been working overtime to continue to bring local parents useful, relevant information about what’s happening in our community. With kids and spouses at home that hasn’t always been easy but we love the work which helps. We also love our partners and many of them are suffering right now. If you want to see Rocket City Mom continue to be an area resource for another decade (that’s right, we turn 10 this year!!!) then we’d like to make a simple request.

See Also

Support Local Whenever Possible

Renew your museum memberships, watch those virtual workouts, purchase those to-go craft and art kits, “like” and share news about re-openings when they happen. Show some love in anyway you can for those who have supported this site and numerous other local endeavors over the years. We couldn’t do this without them and they need all of us right now.

Rocket City Mom 2020 Partners

Huntsville Hospital, Burritt on the Mountain, Space and Rocket Center, Randolph, Huntsville Botanical Garden, Scott’s Orchard, Ardent Preschool and Daycare, Huntsville Museum of Art, Alabama Pediatric Dental Associates, Advanced OBGYN, Pine Ridge Day Camp, Rocket City Arcade, Operation Green Team, Trash Pandas, Huntsville Behavioral Associates, Earlyworks Children’s Museum, Alexander’s Martial Arts, Valley Conservatory, Matrix Gym, Spoiled Rockin’ Kidz, Tender Care Pediatrics, St. Bernard Prep, Stars and Strikes, Lauren Battle – Allstate, North Alabama Railroad Museum, Huntsville STEAMworks, Thrive Alabama, Spirited Art.

In Case You Missed It…


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