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Little Mountain Forest School in Huntsville, AL

Little Mountain Forest School in Huntsville, AL

  • At Little Mountain Forest School, children have space to explore, to discover, and to build relationships that promote a sense of wonder, kindness, courage, and strength.

If you don’t already know what a forest school is then it’s pretty easy to figure out. It’s a school that takes place in a forest. Specifically children at forest schools spend the majority of their time outdoors with their multi-aged peers and educators. Students work together to explore the world around them and are encouraged to explore, ask questions, and seek answers from both themselves and others. The learning is active, hands-on, and occurs naturally. Sound good? Lucky you, there’s one here in Huntsville! We recently got the chance to ask the founders of Little Mountain Forest School, Beth Barry and Sarah Callaway a few questions.

School Phone: 256-213-1826
Grades/Ages of Students: Infant to 10 years
Public or Private? Private
Teacher/Student Ratio: Maximum 1:5
School mission: To provide space for the children of North Alabama to connect and cultivate respect for themselves, others, and the natural world.

Little Mountain Forest School Social Media: Website | Facebook | Instagram

Locations: We hold our Nature Preschool Pathfinders and Early Elementary Explorers programs at Monte Sano State Park. Our Playgroup program is held at the Land Trust Wade Chapman Mountain Preserve.

What is your school’s predominant educational philosophy?

At Little Mountain Forest School, we believe children deserve space where they are free to explore, discover, and build relationships that promote a sense of wonder, kindness, courage, and strength.

What sets your school apart from other area programs?

Little Mountain Forest School is the only fully outdoor school in North Alabama. We allow the child’s interest to drive the curriculum as they move through the rhythm of the day. Our educators are present to support this process. Our time outdoors is child-led, not adult directed. Play is one of the main ways children learn and develop, which is why child-led play is a focus of our program!

children playing in the woods on an obstacle courseWhat advice do you have for parents looking for a school for their child(ren)?

Take a step back and make sure the school’s philosophy supports your family’s values.

Describe your admissions process.

  • Attend information session, tour, or meeting with one of the directors
  • Complete application
  • Family interview
  • Notification of acceptance

Upcoming Open House events or special events? 

We will host a Spring Festival in the coming months. Please contact us if you are interested in our programs or joining our team as an educator! Currently, our Nature Preschool Pathfinders and Early Elementary Explorers programs are both full for the 2022-2023 school year, but we are happy to add a waitlist. Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook for updates!

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