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Rocket City Parents Show Solidarity During Covid-19

Rocket City Parents Show Solidarity During Covid-19

It’s been a weird few weeks and even though it looks like some semblance of normal might be returning, we all know it’s going to be a long time before we experience life in the same way. That can be a scary thought not only for kids but for adults as well. Especially considering the added burden this entire thing has been on parents.

On the bright side, when making resolutions for 2020 I bet you never dreamt that Spend More Time with Family would be accomplished so thoroughly. 🙂

Personally, we’ve found a lot of strength from our Rocket City Mom village (writers, editors, designers, etc.) and we all wanted to reach out and share a simple message, “We See You. We’re All In This Together.” If you haven’t already watched the video we encourage you to do so and stick around for the bloopers!

For more wisdom and helpful advice check out these much more famous writers who are sharing important messages about the pressure parents are putting on themselves right now.


“There is no TV Time during Corona.”



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Eff the Shame Olympics – Jen Hatmaker



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Don’t Ration Love – Brené Brown



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