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Bring the Rocket City to your Animal Crossing Island

Bring the Rocket City to your Animal Crossing Island

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Is your Animal Crossing Island your new home away from home? Do you believe the $60 you spent on the newly released Switch version to be the best investment you’ve ever made? Then this post is for you (or your kids).

Local printer, Green Pea Press, along with Geek Out Huntsville, have collaborated to bring you virtual versions of their popular Rocket City themed t-shirts. Your kids (or you) can now visit the Able Sisters’ shop and download these creations for free. No bells required although if you feel charitable, the creators encourage you to consider donating to their #QuaranTeam campaign which supports local hospitality and retail workers. 100% of the proceeds from the sales of the LIVE.LOCAL.HUNTSVILLE shirt (and any extra donations you want to make) will go into a fund to be distributed and support impacted workers.

To get your Huntsville flair

  1. Visit the Able Sisters’ shop
  2. Head to the kiosk/custom design portal
  3. Press Creator ID and enter code MA-4962-2409-6517
  4. Click on Pro Designs
  5. Pick one (or all four) designs and wear with pride.

Note: You will need internet access on your Switch to reach this portal and you will need to have downloaded the Pro Designs extension with Nook Miles from the Nook Stop. 


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