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2018 Holiday Giving and Volunteering Opportunities

2018 Holiday Giving and Volunteering Opportunities

For more holiday fun including all the places to hear holiday music, catch Santa, watch holiday plays, cavort with holiday cheerfulness and just plain get in the holiday spirit visit the main page of our comprehensive 2018 Holiday Happenings Guide sponsored by Galaxy of Lights at Huntsville Botanical Garden. 

The holiday season is a wonderful time of year to teach children about the joy of giving as well as receiving. Of course, there is no better way to do this than to model the behavior yourself. To make it a little easier, we’ve created this list of local charities and non-profit organizations that could use some love this holiday season.

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” ― Charles Dickens


Christmas Charities Year Round

Christmas Charities Year Round (CCYR) is a non-profit, charitable organization that has served Madison County, AL since 1949, providing basic necessities year round, plus toys and food during the Christmas season, at no cost to clients.


FOCAL Foster Children’s Alliance

FOCAL assists foster children and families with resources to provide the many needs of children that cannot be obtained other ways. FOCAL receives no United Way assistance, no budget from the city, county or state. Every dollar spent on foster children is raised privately and all the money raised is spent on the children. NOTE: Their greatest need at the holidays is for the sponsorship of teens.


Food & Diaper Bank of North Alabama

Serving over 200 agencies in North Alabama, the Food Bank is who we partner every year on The Great Diaper Drive. Because they are also part of the National Diaper Bank Network, they help provide local babies in need with diapers & wipes. Of course, they also provide food for families, seniors, and anyone in our community that doesn’t get enough to eat. There are volunteer opportunities as well as year-round online giving.

Contact: Volunteer info

Free 2 Teach

If you want to be teacher’s pet instead of Santa’s helper, our friends at Free 2 Teach are in need of volunteer help in their warehouse from 9AM-2PM Monday through Thursday. Just ask for Jennifer and let her know RCM sent you. They also have volunteer opportunities for groups or businesses; during store hours, after hours, evenings and weekends.

Contact: 256-886-7065 |

Huntsville Assistance Program

The Huntsville Assistance Program is a group of Christian congregations who desire to provide a ministry of assistance and referrals to needy individuals and families of Madison County, Alabama. This ministry focuses on the non-homeless and strives to achieve its mission by the pooling of volunteers, information, and financial resources of its members.

Contact: 256-539-2320 |

Huntsville Hospital Foundation

The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to develop relationships and financial resources to support the health care programs, projects and services of Huntsville Hospital. Your support, contributions and involvement help provide and maintain lifesaving programs at area hospitals.  Whether it is attending or volunteering at an event or making a donation, there are many ways you can support the Foundation’s work.

Contact: 256-265‐8077|

Kids to Love

Each year Kids to Love provides Christmas presents to foster children who might otherwise not receive anything. You can help in a variety of ways including sponsoring a wish list, adopting an ornament, donating individual items, donating money, and/or volunteering at one of their gift wrapping stations.

Contact: 256-880-3455 |

Lincoln Village Ministries

Lincoln Village Ministry’s focus is to give the gift of hope. There are numerous ways you can support the work in Lincoln Village. Visit their website for a list of opportunities or email their coordinator to discuss other options and or resources you might be able to offer.

Contact: 256-701-4303 |

New Hope Children’s Clinic

New Hope Children’s Clinic is a school based health clinic created to increase the access to medical care for the underserved student population of South Eastern Madison County. The New Hope Children’s Clinic will break barriers, change lives, and give hope to children through local, low cost healthcare. Information about making tax-deductible donations or volunteering can be found on their website.

Contact: 256-723-4673 |

Manna House

Manna House is a 501(c)3 Public Charity that provides food assistance to those in need. They are supported by contributions from individuals, churches, civic groups, and businesses. While some food is donated and locally grown, most is purchased for our their programs. You can help serve meals & distribute clothes, toiletries, and other much-needed items three days a week. They always need baby items: diapers, wipes, pull-ups, baby food, and baby clothes. Find out how to volunteer with your family at Manna House here.

Contact: Fran Fluhler, Director;; 256-653-7883 or 256-503-4848

Salvation Army Angel Tree

The Salvation Army begins to schedule holiday volunteers in September. People who enjoy helping others to have a bright holiday season like that experienced by their families should consider becoming a Salvation Army holiday volunteer. Families can adopt angels from the Angel Tree from November 8-December 10, 2013 in person or online. NOTE: One of the best opportunities to volunteer as a family is at the Angel Tree booths located at both Parkway Place and Madison Square Malls. Find out how to volunteer with your family at the Salvation Army here.

Contact: Pamela Donald,

Toys for Tots

The mission of the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the community in which the campaign is conducted. All Toys ‘ R Us serve as drop-off locations in Huntsville/Madison. More locations can be found on the website. NOTE: Each year there is a special need for toys for children ages 0-3 and 12-13 year olds.


United Way of Madison County

For more than 15 years, United Way and the community have partnered to bring hope and a spirit of community to Madison County during the busy holiday months of November and December. This year, as our community grows, the United Way continues to stand as the one organization that brings together donors, volunteers, and nonprofit partners, and they need your help! Visit their page for details on all kinds of programs set up to help area children, families and seniors in need.

Contact: 256-536-0745

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