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RCM Kid Reporter: The New Madison Library

RCM Kid Reporter: The New Madison Library

[themify_box style=”lavendar”]Reviews of great places by the kids who experienced them – our popular Kid Reporter series continues with a special library review! [/themify_box]

1. My first favorite thing is the quiet reading room, because I like quiet.
Madison Public Library AL

2. My second favorite thing is checking out computers. I think it’s really cool!
Madison Public Library AL

3. My third favorite thing is the teen room!

Madison Public Library AL

4. My fourth favorite thing is the children’s room because I like arts and crafts.
Madison Public Library

5. My fifth favorite thing is the “Robot Book Sorter”. It’s super cool!!!

See Also

Madison Public Library Details

Admission: FREE! It’s a Library!
Hours: Monday – Thursday: 9AM – 8PM | Friday & Saturday 9AM – 5PM | Sunday 1PM – 5PM

Submitted By Adelyn P.
Age 8

[themify_box style=”lavender announcement rounded”]Want to be like Kayia and become a Kid Reporter for Rocket City Mom? Find out all the details, submission guidelines, and how your kid could win gift certificates to Schoolcraft HERE. [/themify_box]

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