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Children’s Author Eric Ode to Visit Huntsville

Children’s Author Eric Ode to Visit Huntsville

Book worms, take note! Children’s picture book author and musician, Eric Ode, will be visiting with students and families in Huntsville and Madison County April 4-7, 2017. The writer of great books like Too Many Tomatoes, Dan the Taxi Man, and Busy Trucks on the Go, Eric also writes songs and performs a great show families will love!

Usborne Books is bringing Eric to Huntsville to visit with students and schools, as well as make a public appearance at the Bailey Cove Public Library on Tuesday, April 4th at 12:30 for a preschool story time and book signing.

His dynamic presentation will be all about the creative writing process that will emphasize and integrate music, poetry, and story telling. He will also donate CDs and titles to those participating schools and organizations he visits.

When students meet authors in person it can open their eyes to all the ways to utilize art, literature, and creativity as a career. Meeting the creators of the worlds they lose themselves in can be a very special moment for kids (and adults too!). Authors and illustrators inspire students to create themselves, which often leads to discovering talents and passions they never knew were there.

How to Book Eric Ode at Your School!

Contact Molly Hall, Usborne Books & More Educational Consultant at (404) 368-2289 or send her an email to request a school visit. This is the perfect opportunity for PTOs or small businesses to underwrite an amazing program for school classrooms in your neighborhood!

You can also preorder a signed copy of his books (Dan the Taxi Man, Busy Trucks on the GO, or Too Many Tomatoes) you can also preorder them though Molly.

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