Book It to the Library April 2016
It’s no secret we LOVE the Huntsville Madison County Public Library and all of it’s many branches! There’s no shortage to quality community programs they host for kids and families. We like to list them here every month, but you can see all of their other events on the HMCPL website.
Are you interested in helping out at the library this summer? If you are a rising seventh grader and/or are 13 years old, please stop by your favorite branch of the library for your volunteer application. The due date is April 23rd. It’s a great way to earn community service credentials and give back to your community!
Special Events in April
Garden Rangers
BRANCH: Madison Public Library
DATE: Thursday, April 7, 4pm
INFO: Winter has passed, and it’s time to get our garden back into shape! Come ready to get dirty while we plant a variety of flowers and vegetables. RSVP required at or 256-461-0046
Half Day Movie and Craft: The Good Dinosaur
BRANCH: Main – Youth Services
DATE: Friday, April 8th @ 2:00pm
INFO: It’s a half day of school for Huntsville City! Enjoy a free movie and themed craft. Movie rated PG. Family-friendly!
Love Your Library Puppet Show
BRANCH: Main – Youth Services
DATE: Wednesday, April 13th @ 10:30am | Thursday, April 14, 2016 – 4:00pm
INFO: Celebrate National Library Week with a fun puppet show all about your favorite place: the library!
Earth Day Celebration
BRANCH: Main – Youth Services
DATE: Thursday, April 21st @ 3:30pm
INFO: Get ready for Earth Day with fun activities in Youth Services. Ages 6-10.
Just For Teens & Tweens
Tween Hour
BRANCH: Eleanor E. Murphy
DATE: Wednesdays at 4:00pm
INFO: Tweens ages 10-14 can participate in arts, crafts, life-size games, science projects, & parties. Contact Ms. Haley at for more info.
Gaming Daze
BRANCH: Madison Library, meet at Sam & Gregg’s
DATE: April 18th @ 4:00 pm
INFO: Test your gaming chops with weekly game (card, video, board games) competitions. Always the 3rd Mondays of each month we meet at Sam & Gregg’s Pizzeria in Madison.
BRANCH: Madison Public Library
DATE: April 20, 4:00 PM
INFO: Join us for our first middle grades book club (5th-8th grades) as we read Skullduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy.
X FACTOR Book Club
BRANCH: Madison Public Library
DATE: April 28, 4:00 pm
INFO: Join us for our tween book club (grades 3rd-5th) as we read NERDS by Michael Buckley.
Storytime Scoop
Monrovia Storytimes
BRANCH: Monrovia Public Library
DATE: Mondays and Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.
INFO: Stories, songs, crafts and more for children birth to age five. For more information contact Mandee Farley at 256-489-3392 or
Madison Storytimes
BRANCH: Madison Public Library
DATE: Toddler Storytime, Tues. Wed. Thurs. at 9:30 AM; Preschool Storytime Tues. Wed. Thurs. at 10:30 AM; Baby Sign Storytime Mondays at 9:30 AM; Family Storytime, 2nd & 4th Saturdays at 10:00 AM.
INFO: The Madison Library hosts nine storytimes a week!
Bailey Cove Storytimes
BRANCH: Bailey Cove Public Library
DATE: Wednesdays – Book Buddies at 9:!5 AM, Mother Goose Storytime at 10:30 AM; Thursdays – Mother Goose Storytime at 9:15 AM, Book Buddies at 10:30 AM; Fridays – Little Bits Lapsit at 9:30 AM.
INFO: There’s always a fun story to be had at Bailey Cove!
Main Storytimes
BRANCH: Huntsville Public Library
DATES: Wiggles & Walking, Tuesdays at 10:30; Rockin’ Storytime, Wednesdays at 10:30; Tremendouse Toddlers, Thursdays at 10:30
INFO: There’s a storytime for every child’s age at the Main Library Downtown!
Tuesday Tales
BRANCH: Eleanor E. Murphy
DATE: Tuesdays at 10:30 am
INFO: Story Time for ages 2-5, featuring stories, rhymes and music followed by a simple craft. A typically
smaller story time held in the children’s section so younger toddlers may wander as needed. Siblings
welcome! Contact Ms. Haley at for more info.
Storytime in Gurley
BRANCH: Gurley Public Library
DATE: Wednesdays at 10:30 AM
INFO: Join Ms. Tina every Wednesday morning for a fun filled time of stories, music, & crafts.
New Hope Storytime
BRANCH: Elizabeth Carpenter Public LIbrary
DATE: Tuesdays at 10:30 AM
INFO: Stories, songs, and crafts each Tuesday morning for preschoolers.
Preschool Story Hour in Triana
BRANCH: Triana Public Library
DATE: Thursdays at 11:00 AM
INFO: Storytime for children ages 3-5
More HMCPL weekly Storytimes for kids can be found HERE.
Mandy Pinyan has been a passionate book lover from an early age, where being busted for bringing Stephen King to school (a book, not the guy) led to much reading by flashlight. She turned out okay. She is the Youth Services Coordinator and Manager of Outreach Services at the Huntsville Madison County Public Library Extension and Outreach Department, where she can be seen driving a Rainbow Van or a Bookmobile in between gigs. Mom to a tween, Adelyn and wife to a ruggedly handsome outdoorsman with an obsession with planting bamboo, Mandy finds enjoyment in painting, gardening and geeking out over various pop culture. A small menagerie of pets - dachshunds Matt Damon and Angel, kitty BB and Boston-Chihuahua-chupacabra mix Bailey just make the chaos complete.