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Happy Holidays 2014
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Happy Holidays 2014

Well, it’s that time of year. The time when we here at Rocket City Mom slow down and spend some real quality time with our families. While that means no daily posts, it doesn’t mean you’ll be out of the loop for holiday fun. Below are all the ways you can WIN the holidays with the help of Rocket City Mom.

  • Keep-Calm-and-Santa-ElfYou can check our CALENDAR for all kinds of ideas of what to do over the next couple of weeks.
  •  Read our entire collection of posts about all things #HSV#HOLIDAY.
    • Here you’ll find not only details about where to go but details that are important to parents. Is there a potty nearby? How long is the wait for Santa? Is this worth going to if your child is 2? If your child is 14? You know, the important questions.
This is you once you've finished doing ALL THE THINGS.
This is you once you’ve finished doing ALL THE THINGS.

A HUGE thank you to Madison Behavior Therapy, Covenant Classical Schools & Daycares, and Afterschool Labs for sponsoring those guides and making them possible.

Finally, we wish each and every one of you a holiday season filled with love, laughter, family and friends, and soooo much good food.




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