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Indisputable Facts on the Internet

Indisputable Facts on the Internet

Everybody knows if you see something on the Internet it MUST be true. Otherwise, why else would so many people be such instant experts about… All The Things? We’ve collected some of our favorite things online that may or may not be true. Take a look and decide for yourself.

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  1. Dogs Love to Text

    If your dog could text (and also happened to be a bit of a jerk) it might read something like this. A Tumblr site from a comedic blogger, October Jones (aka Joe Butcher), the book version Texts From Dog, will be hitting bookshelves in October. Definitely NOT a site for the kids, but it’s great for an adult laugh.

  2. Elephants Love to Crash Swim Parties

    See? It’s got to be true.

  3. Technology is Awesome

    I’m very excited about this one – do you know how many times this summer I’ve checked the YMCA’s website to find out what time Open Swim hours were or when a certain class started? LOTS. So I was thrilled to see they’ve created a new smartphone app for their water & class schedules.

  4. Cats Can Talk

    Not only can they talk, they apparently love to play “I Spy”.

  5. All Twins Have a Secret Language

    Private language or shared understanding? You decide after watching this oldie but goodie.



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