Warm Internet Fuzzies

Altruism and empathy are two of the greatest gifts people can give to one another, and I love it when I happen to stumble upon random acts of kindness online. Today’s random Internet treasures actually feature tools to allow you to participate in these gifts and help make a contribution to the goodness of humanity.
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Sign-Up Genius
The idea for SignUpGenius.com was sparked out of need to simplify and organize the various groups and communities its founders were involved in. Whether you’re the class room mother, soccer coach, church youth programmer, or soup kitchen coordinator, this site can help you easily manage and organize volunteers of all sorts. As a self-confessed addict to community work, I can’t wait to use this site.
Take Them A Meal
This is the South, ya’ll. For every baby born, sickness suffered, and loved one lost, there should be friends and family on standby to bring a covered dish. This free online tool makes it easy to coordinate and schedule every lasagna, banana pudding, and pot of soup your generous blessed heart will be compelled to make.
Blogger Glennon Doyle is one of the most heart-wrenching writers online. She’s a recovering bulimic and alcoholic: “For twenty years I was lost to food and booze and bad love and drugs… Nine sober years, one beautiful marriage, and three kids later – I’ve learned more true things about myself and life.” Her writing about spirituality, family, battling with Lyme disease, and loving all of God’s children will take your breath away. Sometimes she will make you hoot with laughter. (In case you haven’t caught on, I’ve linked to all my favorite posts here.)
The Khan Academy
Homeschool or not, this is an incredibly useful tool that has just grown over time. Their motto is “Learn Almost Everything for Free” and you know the only thing we love more than the word FREE is learning.
What are your favorite humanity moments & tools on the Internet?
Rocket City Mom is a website about raising children in and around Huntsville, Alabama. Started in late 2010 by a local mom and newcomer to Huntsville, Rocket City Mom has grown into a thriving community of local parents and now boasts a staff of four, thirteen regular contributors, and tens of thousands of Tennessee Valley readers making it the #1 Parenting Resource in North Alabama.