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Ardent Seeks Song Singing, Smile Bringing Rock Stars

Ardent Seeks Song Singing, Smile Bringing Rock Stars

  • Now Hiring in Huntsville! Apply online at

Ardent Teacher – (n): An enthusiastic (or passionate) song singing, smile bringing, child chasing rock star who lives to inspire and loves to encourage. They’re kind of a big deal!

We recently asked our staff what their first impressions were when they began to work at Ardent Preschool. They highlighted the moment of walking into our clean and bright facilities, the uplifting Scriptures posted throughout the classrooms and the guidance they received during training.

Most importantly, however, they mentioned a closeness and sense of belonging to a community in which they felt valued, inspired, and encouraged. 

Ardent Preschool staff in Huntsville dressed up for Inside Out Day

What Makes Being an Ardent Teacher Special

The purpose, passion and energy within our Ardent Teachers fosters not just a learning environment for students, but also an uplifting and encouraging environment for the staff as well. There is always opportunity for growth. Almost all of our current administrative positions have been filled with amazing people who first believed in the mission and vision of Ardent as teachers and then pursued leadership roles that have allowed them to continue to fan the flames of the purpose and passion of Ardent.

A teacher’s energy and dedication is essential in creating an environment for the children within their care to thrive. With bright smiles and welcoming hearts, teachers work as a team to reveal the potential wonders of each new day. Ardent is not just a daycare! Ardent Kids are like sponges – soaking up the intentional and creative daily lessons in a fun environment and Ardent Teachers are an integral part of that process. 

See Also

Ardent staff with child in Huntsville AL

So, if you’re that kind of person – an enthusiastic rock star who lives to inspire and loves to encourage – then you should ask yourself “What’s the next step?” Now is a great time to seize the opportunity to make an impact on future generations and to make an impact on your future too!

Begin your career as an Ardent Teacher by applying online today! Join the team and be inspired to have an impact on the little hearts and minds.

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