Mother’s Day Crafts Moms Actually Want!
- Crafts kids can do with Dad for Mother's Day
- Rated by difficulty level
Rocket City Moms, now is the time to click away, or just go ahead and forward the link to your significant other. Or your best friend. Whoever is “steering” your kids in the direction of a stellar Mother’s Day gift this year.
Go ahead, I’ll wait.
Rocket City Dads and Granddads, this post is just for you. We’ve put together a list of easy and last-minute gift ideas and/or craft projects you can do with your kids for Mother’s Day. That’s right, every one of these is do-able before Sunday, and we included links with directions for each suggestion.
EDITOR’S NOTE: I made sure if I personally didn’t want to receive it, I didn’t include it in this list. My mom-hood is going on 15 years now, and I’ve seen lots of DIY craft projects from the kids over the years. You’ll have to use your own judgement whether the mom in your life aligns with my tastes. I’ve also rated each project according to their level of difficulty: 1 being Easy as Pie and 5 being The Hardest of the Easy Crafts.
Mother’s Day Crafts Kids & Dads Can Do
Silhouette of the Kids
Difficulty level: 4
Step-by-step instructions here.
Always classy, always timeless – you can NEVER go wrong with a silhouette of your kid for their mother. The best part is you can give this gift at multiple times throughout your child’s life to help track their growth. This particular project requires the barest of minimal grasps of Photoshop and a frame. Kohl’s has the frames with multiple photos if you have more than one kid to profile.
Personalized Playlist
Difficulty level: 1
*Always great when used in conjunction with another gift.
Grab the kids and ask them to be Mom’s personal DJ. What does she sing them at night? What do you all wail in the car together? Are there movies she loves that have soundtracks? Get input from the offspring first, then fill out your custom playlist with songs YOU know she loves. Be sure to go the extra mile and upload them into her phone, iPod, or burn the CD for her. Whenever she listens to it she’ll be reminded of her family.
Wacky Wheatgrass Portraits
Difficulty level: 2
You’ll have to do this one soon if it’s going to look good for Mother’s Day, but it’s SO EASY.
- Get a small clear jelly jar or plastic tumbler, fill it 3/4 to the top with potting soil, and sprinkle some wheatgrass seeds all over the surface. Top with more soil.
- Take a photo of your kid(s) making a funny face. Print it out and tape it to the container.
- Place your container in a sunny window and water it a little each day. By Sunday you should already have some green hair sprouting.
Super cute, and your kids can help trim their hair when it gets too long!
Easy (But Impressive!) Framed Photo of the Kids
Difficulty level: 3
Step-by-step instructions here.
This one you can complete in an afternoon! You’ll need your camera, your kids, some white poster board, a black sharpie, and a multi-photo frame. If you find the frame on sale you can do this for around $15. It’s also a great idea for Nannas, Grandmothers, Mee Maws, Grannies, Abuelas, and Bubbies.
Homemade Sugar Scrub
Difficulty level: 2
Step-by-step instructions here.
There are lots of recipes for this out there, but I chose the easiest for you. You need three things: soap, sugar, and a container to put it all in. Sure, you could spend tons of time on making the jar pretty, or you can buy a pretty jar to store this in. But that’s totally optional. Your BabyMamma will love this if you make her a big ole mayo jar full.
Handprint Art That Won’t End Up In A Drawer
Difficulty level: 4
Step-by-step instructions here.
You need a board from a home improvement store (cut to fit the kids’s handprints), white paint, a black sharpie, picture hanger hardware, & different colors of tempra paint. You can get all of this stuff at Lowe’s & Michaels for $20 total. Make sure to start this no later than Thursday night before Mother’s Day so the paint has time to dry before Sunday!
For the Bookworm
Difficulty level: 3
Step-by-step instructions here.
So I’m a bit biased when it comes to book-related gifts. Simply put, I love them. These photo bookmarks of her kids will tickle any mother, and she will be reminded of your generosity and creative spirit every time she cracks open a book. All you need is a camera, kids, office file folders, a printer, Elmer’s glue, scissors, and thread or yarn for the tassle. Want to go the extra mile? Print out this DIY book for the kids to fill out and color and present it along with a gift card to the bookstore, or to Amazon/Barnes & Noble if she has a Kindle or Nook. BAM! Instant happiness for Mom.
Movie Brunch In Bed
Difficulty level: 3
Delicious Recipes Kids Can Actually Help With
I’m calling it brunch because you’re letting her sleep late… right?
Brunch in bed for mom is an age-old tradition, but it can go horribly wrong if you don’t do it the right way. Rule #1) You must clean up the kitchen mess before she sees it or it doesn’t count. Rule #2) You must leave the house with the kids after serving your brunch. Take them to any of these places.
French toast kabobs are great because there’s no tricky, sticky toast-cutting involved, and the kids can have a great time skewering the pieces and the fruit. You can couple this with a gift of her favorite DVDs or pre-purchased streaming movie for a decadent movie brunch in bed.
When In Doubt, Shop Local
Difficulty level: 1
Maybe you don’t have a crafty bone in your body. Maybe your Significant Other forbid you to try any DIY projects this Mother’s Day. If that’s the case, you can always go handmade local-style by visiting The Little Green Store Lowe Mill Arts & Entertainment, or University Pickers.
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Rocket City Mom is a website about raising children in and around Huntsville, Alabama. Started in late 2010 by a local mom and newcomer to Huntsville, Rocket City Mom has grown into a thriving community of local parents and now boasts a staff of four, thirteen regular contributors, and tens of thousands of Tennessee Valley readers making it the #1 Parenting Resource in North Alabama.