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Southside Playground & Dog Park in Huntsville

Southside Playground & Dog Park in Huntsville

  • Located at 16159 Chaney Thompson Road
  • Opens one hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset
Southside Park features playground equipment for older children and younger children.

With playground equipment suited for both younger and older children, a dog park, disc golf, archery range and more, Southside Park in Huntsville has something for the entire family to enjoy during their visit. Located in South Huntsville, the park connects to the Aldridge Creek Greenway and is located just off of Chaney Thompson Road.

Location: 16159 Chaney Thompson Road, Huntsville (Map)

Amenities: Excellent variety of playground equipment for all ages, dog park, walking trail, multiple pavilions with picnic tables, frisbee golf, bathrooms, archery range, and free little library.

Mom’s Thoughts

This review and the pictures taken were made right after the park opened in 2015 and a day after a heavy rain. The dog park and areas surrounding the playground were very muddy and wet, but I expect this will improve with time, especially after the grass grows in. The playground wasn’t muddy, and there were lots of families enjoying the sunny day.

Southside Park Collage
Covered pavilion space, water bottle fountains, and great playground equipment are all at Southside Park.

I suspect this awesome park will stay crowded on pretty days. Luckily, there are lots of things for the kids to play on. There is a good mix of equipment for all ages at the playground, and the kids enjoyed seeing the dogs being walked on the trail, which runs right beside the playground. Although there are trees in the park, there is no shade on the playground.

There is plenty of parking in the parking lot, and bathrooms are located in the large pavilion close by, so that we didn’t have to walk very far to find them.

Also at the pavilion are picnic tables and a water fountain with an insert to fill a water bottle, which I thought was super handy! There is a “regular” water fountain here and also one for dogs. Changing tables are located inside both the men’s and women’s restrooms, and there is a family restroom too – all located in the large pavilion.

Southside Park swings
Lots of choices for swinging!

On the other side of the playground are some smaller pavilions, so there is plenty of seating to sit and eat, and trash cans were located throughout the park.

The extensive dog park makes it a good destination for the whole family – Fido included!

See Also

Southside Park dogs

Overall, this is great park. Keep in mind that the playground and parking lot are beside each other and there is no fence around the playground, so you’ll have to watch your little ones closely if they tend to be runners. Also, there is a deep ditch nearby – another reason to watch your little ones closely.

Details About Southside Park

Address: 16159 Chaney Thompson Road, Huntsville (Map)
Hours: Opens one hour before sunrise until one hour after sunset
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This review was initially posted in April 2015 and has been updated with the most current information.

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