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Everything You Need to Know About the Huntsville Learning Expo

Everything You Need to Know About the Huntsville Learning Expo

Learning Expo 2019 Huntsville

Making decisions about education starts very early for most parents. Basically as soon as you have a child you are bombarded with decisions and responsibilities regarding your child’s education. Daycares – yes or no? Preschools – Relaxed, challenging, Montessori, Reggio, Waldorf, religious, non-sectarian? Elementary School – Public, Private, Magnet? And that’s just the first five years! That’s where our annual Huntsville Learning Expo can help save the day.

We get it. We feel those pressures too and we understand that most parents don’t have time to go and visit every school, or talk to every educational expert, tutor, or financial planner.

So seven years ago, we had an idea…

Explore Education Options in One Stop!

What if you could put representatives from the various schools in one room and make it easy for parents to visit them all in ONE morning? 

Then invite experts to come and answer questions about the most pressing and stress inducing issues (like how to pay for college, or how to best help your special needs child, or how to homeschool).

Then give the kids something fun to do while the parents get all this information.

Then make it all FREE!

[themify_box color=”lavender” icon=”announcement”]

How to Participate as an Exhibitor

CLICK HERE – Hurry! The application deadline is Jan. 21 and spots are limited!

Want to sell your old homeschool curriculum & books?
Individual educators can EMAIL US to reserve a table.[/themify_box]

And that’s how the Rocket City Mom Learning Expo was born. We talked to our friends at Earlyworks Children’s History Museum who offered their space and were happy to let all Expo attendees into the museum for free (so feel free to look around and play after you’ve finished visiting our exhibitors). Finally, Progress Bank offered to help underwrite the expense so that we can donate 100% of the proceeds to a local non-profit organization benefiting the educational pursuits of area boys and girls*.

See Also

We always have a great time but this year we’ve also got a couple of extra special things up our sleeve:

  • Meet & greet & free photos with Batman & Wonder Woman
  • Homeschool Curriculum Sale – NEW this year!
  • Scavenger hunt throughout Earlyworks
  • Free face painting by Gabrielle’s Facepainting

2019 Learning Expo Details

When: Saturday, January 26 from 9AM-2PM
Cost: FREE – attendance at expo, all activities, and museum entrance are all totally free!
Where: Earlyworks Children’s History Museum in Downtown Huntsville
More Info:

* Previous recipients include the Village of Promise, Big Brothers Big Sister of North Alabama, Fantasy Playhouse Children’s Theatre, Free 2 Teach, Sci-Quest, and the Boys and Girls Club of North Alabama.

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