Athens Family Fun in January at the Library

Happy New Year! January is a pretty quiet time in Athens, Alabama. Many places are recovering from the bustle of the holiday season, and are taking this opportunity to recover, but there’s always something going on for kids and families at the Athens Limestone County Public Library! If one of your resolutions was to read more with your kids, these events will help.
Athens Library January Events
I don’t know about you, but as a stay-at-home-mom, I am always looking for free programs to get my kids out of the house. Bonus points if they are educational. Enter, the local library. As a kid, the library for me was a place to discover new worlds; I loved to read! It’s not often you find a place where the noise of the outside world is dimmed, and you can just relax and read. I hope to foster that love in my kids, so when I found out that not only was our local library a great place to find books, but it also had programs for my young children, I was thrilled! I was even more over the moon when I discovered that most of these programs were FREE.
There are many programs for children of all ages at the Athens-Limestone County Public Library. These events meet regularly and are great ways for kids to learn to love reading. All programs are free unless otherwise noted. The library programs follow the Limestone County school closings and any weather delays or cancellations. Check these out!
Page Turner Program
Tuesdays 4:00 PM-5:00 PM beginning January 8, 2019
The Page Turner Program is for 6th – 9th graders who love writing and have stories to tell. There is a 10 person limit in this program due to the number of curriculum books they have. Students do different units that were requested by them in the Page Turner Program last year. Units include but are not limited to: Writing Non-Fiction, Writing Fantasy, Writing Scary Scenes and Stories, How to Write Comics, and Writing Poignant Poetry. There will be short breaks in between each unit.
Students will discover that they already have access to a wealth of ideas! They will then discover how to access those ideas, turn them into stories and how to edit and improve their final works. The young writers will also share their stories with others. This is a great program for aspiring writers! Registration is required.
Baby Storytime
Wednesdays 10:15-11:15 AM beginning January 9, 2019
Baby storytime at Athens Public Library is for babies age 0-18 months. Ms. Amanda and Ms. Ambry lead stories, songs, bounces, tickles, rhymes, and fingerplays! Baby Storytime generally lasts 15 – 20 minutes, with time for parents and children play and get to know one another. No registration required. This program meets in the Claborn Children’s Room.
Babies love their storytime with Ms. Ambry and Ms. Amanda!
Toddler and Preschool Storytime
Wednesdays 11:15-11:45 AM beginning January 9, 2019
Toddler/Preschool Storytime is for kids ages 18 mo.-5 years. It is a program focusing on developing a child’s social skills through stories, rhymes, music, felt board activities, and interactive storytelling! Children also do art projects that are seasonally appropriate. This program meets in the Claborn Children’s Room.
Spectrum Storytime
First and Third Thursdays of the month 4:00-4:30 PM beginning January 17, 2019
This is a program for children of all ages with special needs. The class has a focus on the autism spectrum. Children sing songs, read stories, do finger plays, and have interactive storytelling. There are sensory toys for students to use during storytime. A picture schedule is used so that the children know what to expect. Each child gets a bean bag to sit on so that they have their own special place during the class. Spectrum Storytime meets in the Community Room, where the lights are dimmed.
Teen Time
4th Thursday of every month 4:00-5:00 PM beginning January 24, 2019
With different themes and topics every month, Teen Time is a place for teens in 7th – 12th grades. Enjoy crafts, science experiments, snacks, book talk, and hanging out!
Story Lab
First Friday of the month, 10:15-11:00 AM, beginning February 1, 2019
Registration required; cost is $10 per semester
Story Lab is a program for homeschooled children in kindergarten-6th grades. Students learn facts, listen to a story, and do an activity based on a chosen subject. They will also get a take-home activity so that the learning can continue after they leave the library! Call the Library to register.
In addition to the regularly-scheduled programs, the library offers fun parties and activities throughout the year. You can currently buy tickets for their upcoming Harry Potter party taking place on February 7, 2019. Tickets are $5/person, 3 and under free. Only 150 of these will be sold, so get them while you can! Visit the library’s Facebook page for more information and tickets.
I hope you will visit the Athens-Limestone County Public Library this new year! It is a great place to foster your child’s love for books. To learn more and for contact info, visit
Happy New Year, fellow Rocket City Moms! I hope you had a restful and family-filled holiday season.
Athens Limestone County Public Library
Address: 603 South Jefferson Street, Athens, AL 35611 (map)
Phone: 256-232-1233
View Website | ALCPL on Facebook
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Rachel is a native of Athens, Alabama. She is a stay-at-home mom to 3 kids and wife to a guitar-playing engineer. When she’s not chasing 3 kids, she loves reading, singing, and watching reruns of The Office, Parks and Rec, and Downton Abbey. She spends as much time as she can at the gym with her CrossFit Athens family, kids in tow.