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How Parents Can Help Improve Their School’s Report Card

How Parents Can Help Improve Their School’s Report Card

school graded paper

In 2017, 1,247 public schools in the state received a grade from the Alabama State Department of Education. Those scores have started conversation between parents, teachers, and school administration, especially for the schools that had lower scores. A local teacher has advice for parents in the aftermath.

Concerned about the latest school report card released for your kid’s school? Take action!

1. Join the PTA.

No, not just send in money and fill out the card. Participate. Volunteer for events. Attend meetings at the school and district level. Working parents can do it too.

2. Contact your child’s teacher & ask how you can help them this week.

Maybe it’s cutting out letters for a bulletin board. Maybe it’s being a reading buddy. Maybe it’s coming early or staying late to help with math tutoring. Maybe it’s sending in $.75 so they can have a coke during planning period.

3. Be a cheerleader for your school!

Everyone from your kids’ teachers to the administrators to the custodians to the data generalist are there for your family. Are we all perfect? No. Is the system perfect? No. But we can only grow if we work together, not tear each other down by placing blame and pointing fingers.

As a teacher, I am so thankful for the supportive families that have entrusted me with their children over the last twelve years. You and your families are making schools great!

As a mother, I am beyond grateful to the dedicated professionals that support my children on a daily basis. I know the love, attention, effort, and sacrifice it takes to spend your days with my girls. Thank you for being part of my village.

There are great things happening in all of our area school systems. Join me in celebrating our students and teachers as they work hard to improve every day!

NinaABOUT THE AUTHOR: Nina Putt is a Huntsville native, wife to an amazingly supportive husband, and mother to two independent little girls. She has dedicated the last twelve years of her life to building relationships with middle schoolers in Huntsville while teaching them math.



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