Huntsville Inner City Learning Center’s After School Program

[themify_box style=”purple rounded”]As part of our local Education coverage, RCM is featuring a monthly School Spotlight to help our readers learn more about private and magnet schools in Madison County. We will continue to highlight the happenings at area public schools, and are excited to expand our education coverage to include more options for local students and their parents.[/themify_box]
We recently interviewed Brandi Good, Community Involvement Director for the Huntsville Inner City Learning Center. This is so much more than an after-school program – HICLC is doing some amazing things in our community!
HICLC Details
School Address/Location:Â 2450 Brahan Avenue, Huntsville, AL 35805
School Phone: 256-536-4400
View Website | HICLC on Facebook
Grades/Ages of Students Served: Kindergarten through 6th grade is our focus and our existing middle school students.
Religious affiliation: We are a Christ-centered organization, but we are not affiliated with any specific organizations and we welcome families of all beliefs.
School Mission: HICLC’s main mission is to provide a solid foundation of education to inner city youth. Through partnerships with local schools, families and our community, we enable students to become socially responsible citizens who are productive and competent lifelong learners. Our ultimate goal is for all our students to be high school graduates.
We rely on volunteers to assist our students with their homework each day. Depending on the day our number of volunteers varies. Some days we have a volunteer for each child and other days we may have one volunteer for every three or four kids. We are always in need of volunteers!
What is HICLC’s predominant educational philosophy?
The HICLC’s believes that when inner city children are properly educated and assisted to receive a diploma, they are empowered to break the cycle of poverty and cultural government dependency in which they have grown up.
We also believe that in addition to improving academic performance, it is important to introduce our students to God and Jesus Christ. We instill proper respect and good moral character in each of our students. We don’t believe that inner city children are born inferior or with a lack of ability. Instead there is a lack of availability of the resources needed for them to succeed. That is where we step in.
What sets your program apart from others?
HICLC is so much more than an after school program. It is a very structured, disciplined and stable environment where children are given the resources necessary to successfully complete their homework on a daily basis. In addition to assistance with homework, each student participates in a Bible lesson, 30 minutes of physical activity and receives a warm, well-balanced meal. HICLC focuses on the child, not the community they come from and is willing to help meet all our families needs.
What extracurricular opportunities exist for the students that are in your program?
Students at HICLC experience a wide variety of extracurricular activities. 30 minutes each day our children participate in physical activity, which includes Yoga, Zumba, a running program (to prepare for our Annual Give It Back Track 5K) and even gardening. Each day our students have a Bible lesson and read directly from the Bible. We encourage our students to build a lasting relationship with Jesus Christ. Last year, the 3 rd -6 th grade students attended a monthly art lesson where they learned the Elements of Design as well as different artist, past and present that utilized those elements. We also have a relationship with Hawthorn Conservatory who offers us a variety of classes from voice lessons to musical theater. Students have attended dance lessons and public speaking classes, just to name a
We recommend that parents really consider what it is they want to get out of a school or after school program. HICLC has a very structured, disciplined learning environment. We expect 100% participation from all of our students and a Monday through Thursday time commitment. We work with student’s teachers to reinforce what they are being taught in school and assist where needed.
Describe your admissions process:
HICLC is here to serve inner city families. Like other schools we have a multi-page application that is followed up by a sit down interview with the parents, child, and the program director. This interview informs the parents what to expect from the HICLC and what is expected of them and their child. We do not charge our families, due to the fact that they would otherwise not be able to afford it, but we do require a significant time commitment from the parents and the child. Students are required to have consistent attendance and participate in all daily activities. Registration for the fall is currently open. If you or someone your know can benefit from our services, please contact Susan Callaway at
Huntsville Inner City Learning Center is a safe, loving, consistent environment that is all about relationships. We want to be a part of your family.
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