Help a baby out! The Great Diaper Drive 2015

Take a minute to imagine this scenario.
You are a parent with a young child. Maybe more than one but at least one that is in diapers. Your family is in financial crisis and you are stressed about keeping them clothed, fed, a roof over their heads. You’ve got some assistance in the form of WIC or SNAP but diapers and wipes aren’t covered by either. You need diapers in order to send your child to daycare and you need daycare in order to work. You’ve heard people talk about cloth diapers as an option but you don’t have your own laundry and the closest laundry mat won’t allow you to wash diapers there. Even if you chose to use them you still need disposable diapers for daycare.
Now, ask yourself honestly. If this person was your friend, a family member, a member of your church, would you help them buy diapers? Chances are good you do know someone like this but they’re too proud to ask you for help directly. A peer-reviewed study by Yale University shows that one in three American parents have acknowledged that they have at some point struggled to pay for diapers.
Three years ago when we first saw that study we knew we had to do something. We knew that wherever high-poverty exists these problems exist, and the truth is that Alabama has one of the highest poverty rates in the country.
Thus began The Great Diaper Drive and this year it runs from August 27-September 10.

How You Can Help
Drop Off Diapers
Buy a package or a box or even just donate your already opened and now too small half-packs. Place them in a donation barrel in one of the locations below:
- Babies R Us, Bridge Street Town Centre, 6884 Governors West, Huntsville, AL 35806
- Costco, 1205 Memorial Parkway NW, Huntsville, AL 35801
- WHNT-TV, 200 Holmes Avenue, Huntsville AL 35801
- The Little Gym of Huntsville, 3030 S. Memorial Parkway a106, Huntsville AL 35801 (in the shopping center with Applebee’s and Talbots)
- Kidventure, 500 Lanier Road, Suite D, Madison, AL
- Posh Mommy & Baby Too! Â Located at 7755 Hwy. 72 West, Madison, AL
Attend our Diaper Blitz

On the final day of the Great Diaper Drive, Thursday, September 10, we are holding an all out BLITZ at Babies ‘R Us. WHNT will be outside from early morning until 7PM taking donations and making it easy to drop off without ever having to get out of your car. Inside, Rocket City Mom will be set up from 10AM-6PM with our red carpet and some guests that we feel pretty confident your little ones will want to get their pictures taken with. We’ll also have some special treats for mom and dad thanks to our sponsors which will be available until we run out (so get there early if you can).
10AM-1PM: Stuart the Minion
2-6PM: The Ice Queen of North AL
3-6PM:Â Gabrielle’s Facepainting
Throw Your Own Shower
Want to help out in an even bigger way? Got a group of friends? Then throw your own diaper shower! At work, with your book club, at church, or just at your home. WHNT19 has a great primer on how with ideas for collection, sharing on social media, and challenges to make it more fun. Plus they have a downloadable poster so head on over there and then START COLLECTING!
Donate Online
So you find yourself wanting to help but a shower is too much commitment, your Thursday is booked, and you’re far away from a drop-off location. That’s okay, we’ve made it easy to donate to either of our diaper beneficiaries online. In fact, monetary donations are much appreciated since these organizations can often buy at wholesale prices and make the money stretch! Click the link of the charity you want to donate to and be sure to designate “diaper drive” on your donation.
Thanks to Our Supporters
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Rocket City Mom is a website about raising children in and around Huntsville, Alabama. Started in late 2010 by a local mom and newcomer to Huntsville, Rocket City Mom has grown into a thriving community of local parents and now boasts a staff of four, thirteen regular contributors, and tens of thousands of Tennessee Valley readers making it the #1 Parenting Resource in North Alabama.