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Back to School Checklist

Back to School Checklist

When summer has been on the brain for months, it’s difficult to transition back to school structure.

Between little-to-no bedtimes, “fend for yourself” lunch schedules, and a PJ dress code, transitioning to school mode can seem like a daunting task.

As parents, we want to help you make sure everything is covered, so we’ve put together a helpful checklist to make transitioning Back-to-School a little easier!

To Buy:

Required Supplies
School clothes & shoes (Pro-tip: Don’t forget the school’s dress code. Also, take advantage of AL’s FREE Sales tax weekend August 7-9, 2015)
Lunch Box
Sports/gym bag
One or two items on teachers wish list

To Do:

Schedule physical, eye, dental, hair cuts & athletic physical appointments (Pro-tip: Print school system’s calendar to support yearly appointments
Required paperwork reviewed, signed & turned in
School registration, immunizations & blue card turned in
Pack backpack with essentials (Pro-tip: For un-easy school goers, place a first day note in backpack or lunchbox for encouragement)

Lunch Plans

Check the school’s website for menu to help create your lunch plans
School lunch – check lunch account; add money if needed
Home lunch – plan healthy & favorite lunch items

Transportation Plans

Car rider

Scheduling Plans

Make sure alarm clock and watches work properly
Establish/ tweak family calendar system
Review calendar and select volunteer days
Establish homework area and a place for backpacks to return
Place extra cash in an envelope, for locker/notebook/ etc., for 911 cases, ex. lack of lunch money
Move bedtime back, 1/2 hour nightly, until desired time is reached (Pro-tip: Recommended Hours for Every Age)

Make sure you camera and/or phone charged for first day of school pictures!

To Talk:

After school pick-up plan: car-rider, bus or carpool (Pro-tip: For safety purposes, review who is allowed to pick up.)
Memorize or review important info: home address, parents cell & home phone
Review lunch number
Review bus number
Home room teacher
Review school’s dress code
Review ‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD) policy, if applicable
Learn/ review combination lock for independent locks, ex. for gym
Summer reading book, finish, if applicable
Academic goals for the year and how you’ll help them accomplish their goals

Hope you have a great year! ~ Benita


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