Spring Plays & Performances in Huntsville

When Spring is in the air, there’s always a good show to be seen. Take a look at our local list of kid-friendly plays and performances in Huntsville and Madison County!
Raptor Show
When: March 26 at 11:00AM and 1:00PM
Where: Huntsville Botanical Gardens Amphitheatre (map)
Cost: $2 per person, plus Garden admission for non-members
More Info: www.hsvbg.org | 256-830-4447 ext. 290
Get ready to soar! The Southeastern Raptor Center from the Auburn School of Veterinary Medicine brings everyone’s favorite raptor show to the Garden! You’ll see some amazing raptors take flight and learn some interesting facts, too. It’s a great activity for Spring Breakers and a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a beautiful day at the garden. All ages, seating is first come first served.
Lightwire Theatre presents DINO Light
When: April 2nd at 7:30PM
Where: Merrimack Hall (map)
Cost: $24 – $30 per ticket
More Info: www.merrimackhall.com/lightwire
Lightwire Theater presents DiNO-Light as created by Corbian Visual Arts and Dance where electroluminescent creatures light up the darkness in a heart-rendering original tale. Truly unique and visually dazzling, DiNO has been praised for its cutting edge blend of puppetry and technology by audiences all over the world. “An eye-popping display of storytelling that’s like nothing else you’ve ever seen. Corbian Visual Arts and Dance is a force to be reckoned with.” – Broadwayworld.com. Watch the awesome video here. May be intense for younger viewers.
Snow White by Alabama Youth Ballet
When: April 4th at 7:30 PM; April 5th at 2PM and 7:30 PM; April 6th at 2PM
Where: VBC Playhouse (map)
Cost: $12 – $16
More Info: www.fairytaleballet.org | 256-881-5930
Come one and all to AYBT’s production of Snow White! Gentlemen and maidens of all ages, dressed in their fairy tale finest, are invited to join us in the royal procession and to witness the splendor of this Fairytale Ballet, directed by David Herriott & Keren Gibb Hilliard. Also featuring the classical Spanish flavored ballet Paquita with beautiful costumes and exciting dancing!
Cinderella by Huntsville Ballet Company
When: April 12 at 2:00PM and 7:30PM
Where: Mark C. Smith Concert Hall of the VBC (map)
Cost: $18 – $25
More Info: www.huntsvilleballetcompany.org
This is one of most beloved classical ballets of all time. Huntsville Ballet Company presents Cinderella, with all the magic and beauty you expect. Prior to the performance, Discover Dance, the Outreach program of Huntsville Ballet will present a short showcase.
Three Fairy Godmothers
When: April 18-20 and April 25-27
Where: VBC Playhouse (map)
Cost: $15 per ticket
More Info: www.letthemagicbegin.org | (256) 539-6829
Princess Dulcie is so full of spiteful tricks that she has driven away all the princes. Three old retired fairy godmothers arrive, eager to help. If they can sweeten up Dulcie, they will win back their wands. Follow the exciting and hilarious events as the godmothers try every trick in their fairy manuals to create a loving and suitable princess for Prince Royal in this play by Jerry L. Twedt. Performed by Fantasy Playhouse Children’s Theater.
The Velveteen Rabbit
When: Thursday, May 1st at 4:30 PM and 6:30 PM
Where: VBC Playhouse (map)
Cost: $12 per ticket
More Info: www.allthingstheatricalinc.com | 256-683-8179
In the world of real and unreal, things are not always what they seem. With a dash of nursery magic, ordinary toys come to life and mute the boundaries between real and imaginary. This heartwarming adaptation of Margery Williams’ classic children’s story shows how the power of love brings about a remarkable transformation for an ordinary toy bunny. Performed by All Things Theatrical, Inc.
Little Shop of Horrors
When: April 30 May 2 at 12:30PM,
Where: James Clemons High School Theater (map)
Cost: $10 – $12
More Info: www.facebook.com/JamesClemensTheatre
A down-and out skid row floral assistant becomes an overnight sensation when he discovers an exotic plant with a mysterious craving for fresh blood. Soon “Audrey II” grows into an ill-tempered, R&B-singing carnivore who offers him fame and fortune in exchange for feeding its growing appetite, finally revealing itself to be an alien creature poised for global domination! One of the longest-running Off-Broadway shows of all time, this affectionate spoof of 1950s sci-fi movies has become a household name, thanks to a highly successful film version and a score by the songwriting team of Howard Ashman and Alan Menken. Charming, tuneful and hilarious, with tongue firmly planted in cheek, LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS never fails to entertain. A small cast, band and unit set make the other aspects of production a snap. Performed by the James Clemons Theatre Department. PG rating for slightly scary parts, but all the swear words have been removed.
Rocket City Mom is a website about raising children in and around Huntsville, Alabama. Started in late 2010 by a local mom and newcomer to Huntsville, Rocket City Mom has grown into a thriving community of local parents and now boasts a staff of four, thirteen regular contributors, and tens of thousands of Tennessee Valley readers making it the #1 Parenting Resource in North Alabama.