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March of Dimes in Search of 75 Families

March of Dimes in Search of 75 Families

According to Wikipedia (which is of course the absolute best source of information about EVERYTHING) there are roughly 20,000 families with children in the city of Huntsville. That’s not including Madison or any of the other surrounding areas so I’m going to go out on a limb and say the local March of Dimes isn’t asking for too much when they say they are seeking to create 75 Family Teams to raise a minimum of $1,000.

Why 75?

This year, the March of Dimes is celebrating its 75th anniversary. That’s 75 years of research, education, vaccines and breakthroughs. If you’ve had a baby in the last 75 years, your pregnancy and hopefully your baby was healthier because of the March of Dimes. First charged with fighting polio, the March of Dimes moved on to a mission of preventing birth defects and infant mortality after polio was eradicated. In more recent years the organization has focused on helping raise awareness of the importance of folic acid in the early stages of pregnancy and encouraging mothers (and doctors) to put a halt on medically unnecessary inductions and early c-sections.

From the Healthy Babies are Worth the Wait campaign.
From the Healthy Babies are Worth the Wait campaign.

Walking (and Shopping) for Healthier, Stronger Babies

So now you are feeling all these mushy feelings towards March of Dimes and you find yourself wondering how you can help. Well, you are a very smart person (because you read who has found themselves in the EXACT place to find this information. Here are three easy and fun ways to help. So what’s stopping you? Sign up your family now and become one of the “elite” 75.

  1. SHOP – Shopping for Preemies – March 16
  2. WALK – Huntsville Walk – April 20
  3. RIDE – Rocket Harley-Davidson March of Dimes Ride – April 20


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