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Nutcracker On Ice

Nutcracker On Ice

It is a holiday tradition for many families to bundle up and see the lights, listen to Christmas music, enjoy a favorite story, or have a warm cup of hot chocolate. What better way to do all this and more as you experience a performance of the Nutcracker on Ice.

The Huntsville Skating School and Training Academy and The Skating Club of Huntsville together with the support of the non-profit organization, Friends of Recreational Ice Activities (FRIA) have worked tirelessly to put together the Nutcracker on Ice. Now in its sixth year, this production has more than 70 skaters from ages 5 to adult. This year 1200 students are planning to attend the school performances that take place in the days leading up to the weekend of evening public performances.

This year’s performance features Huntsville’s own nationally ranked Juvenile Mens Figure Skating competitor, Luke Ferrante, as the Nutcracker Prince along with several of his fellow skaters from the Huntsville Skating School and Training Academy in featured roles. Dream Clara will be skated by Sara-Kate Giles, a competitive skater on the USFS Juvenile Level. The role of the Sugar Plum Fairy will be skated by Sophie Joy Guo, a 13-year-old who took 1st place at the Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships for Pre-Juvenile Ladies. Young Clara will be skated by Belle Buehrle and Jessie Anne Murph.

The Snow Queen and her dancing snowflakes spin and swirl in the crisp winter wind.
The Snow Queen and her dancing snowflakes spin and swirl in the crisp winter wind.

Photo Credit – Steve Mitchell of Photoscapes


Updated for 2013
Where: Huntsville Ice Plex, 3185 Leeman Ferry Road
When: December 6-8
How Much: $15 (Adults), $10 (Seniors and children)
More Info: Website


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