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$5 Can Make a Difference

$5 Can Make a Difference

Last week I stated that if every reader of Rocket City Mom donated $5 worth of school supplies we could make a huge difference. Well, on Monday, I went to Target to test my theory. I didn’t use any coupons and I feel like I walked away with a pretty good load of supplies.

What You Can Get for $5 at Target

I did the same thing at Staples but I didn’t have my camera with me that day so no pictures (sorry). They have spiral bound notebooks on sale for $.33 and there is no limit. If you buy $5.00 worth of those notebooks, then you qualify to get a ton of other stuff for one (1) penny! There are limits on those penny items (usually 2 per customer) but still, you can do some damage. I also know from our resident couponer, the Passionate Penny Pincher, that there are all kinds of great deals to be had at several local stores. If you want to find out more about those, click here.

According to Google Analytics, I have more than 3,000 people visit this blog each month. Of those visitors, about 85% are local (Huntsville, Madison, Decatur, Athens, etc.). If every person reading bought some supplies, well, I’m not a mathematician but it seems like it would be a ton of supplies. Also, a ton of needy children who’ll have new supplies for school.

We’ve already had some very generous donations and I want to personally thank you all for that. I would love it if you could each tell your friends about the drive too. And, stay tuned because I think we might soon have some additional drop-off points.

Also, if you find a great deal on supplies, leave a comment here and share with the class. Then we can all run out and grab some and donate!


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