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We want your nominations for 2020 Rocket City Family Favorites

We want your nominations for 2020 Rocket City Family Favorites

It’s that time of year again. Time to nominate and vote for your Rocket City family favorites. We promise we’ve got our act together better than Iowa. Cast your ballots here and we promise we’ll announce the winners on time! 🙂

It’s OK to have a favorite

Are you supposed to play favorites as a parent? Of course not. Does that mean you don’t have a favorite? Well…

Relax. We’re not asking you to make a Sophie’s choice here. 🙂 We’re just asking for your insight into the best of the Rocket City. Do you have a favorite pediatrician? A place you LOVE more than any other for nights out with the fam? Share it with others.

Why this is actually important

A huge portion of our audience is comprised of newbies. Parents who are new to the area or locals who are new to parenting. Having a list of popular places to go and businesses to frequent can be really helpful when you’re new in town.


What happens next

You have until the end of the month to nominate your favs and get your friends and family to do so as well. You can only vote once per device so make sure you tell your friends and family to vote too.  On February 29 we’ll then take the top three choices, or more if there is a tie. Voting will take place throughout the month of March, and finally, we’ll announce the winners on April 1.


Nominate Your Favorites Here

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