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Why We Bought Season Tickets to Fantasy Playhouse Children’s Theater

Why We Bought Season Tickets to Fantasy Playhouse Children’s Theater

I kind of feel like I don’t need to write this post. The picture above speaks for itself and really, what parent doesn’t want to make their child that excited about books and theater?

Our First Play

Watching my oldest, now 5 years old, become a “big girl” has been exciting and terrifying at the same time. It’s been difficult for me to watch her grow and know that we are leaving the baby years behind but one thing that has helped me to cope is getting to share new experiences that she is finally old enough to enjoy. We are tearing through children’s classics like Little House on the Prairie and Charlotte’s Web and this spring we enjoyed another EB White classic – Stuart Little.

[sws_pullquote_left]For little more than it costs to buy a movie ticket, you can see a live performance of a play. [/sws_pullquote_left] So imagine how excited I was when I saw that Fantasy Playhouse Children’s Theater was putting on a production of Stuart Little. I knew that seeing something “in real life” that we had just spent weeks reading at bedtime would be a great way to introduce her to live theater. We went on a special mommy/daughter date and had a wonderful time. She especially enjoyed meeting the cast afterward and getting to talk to her favorite character (Margalo, of course).

The production, like all FPCT productions, was perfect for all ages and kept children as young as three entertained while still having something for older kids and adults as well. Productions include both adult and child actors and are extremely professionally done – this is not your school play.

It’s Like Saying “Keep Up the Good Work”

All summer she kept asking when we were going to see another play. She mentioned it so often that as soon as the 2013-14 season was announced, I knew we had to buy season tickets. They make the most sense financially and are a great way to show support both for Fantasy Playhouse and the arts in Huntsville. Having lived in many different towns in the last 10 years, I can attest to the fact that Huntsville is lucky to have this great resource for kids.

Tickets are $36 per person for the main three plays plus $20 (adult) or $14 (17 and under) for A Christmas Carol. That means that for little more than it costs to buy a movie ticket, you can see a live performance of a play. Plus, season ticket holders get to pick their seats in advance and once you find that perfect seat, you can keep sitting there show after show, season after season 🙂

The 2013-14 Season of Fantasy Playhouse Children's Theater
The 2013-14 Season of Fantasy Playhouse Children’s Theater

This season Fantasy Playhouse is putting on productions of Peter Pan or the Boy Who Would Not Grow Up, The Great Cross Country Race or The Hare and the Tortoise, and Three Fairy Godmothers, along with their annual production of A Christmas Carol. And because they are AWESOME Fantasy Playhouse is giving one lucky RCM family two season tickets to the 2013-14 season (enter below).


Cost: $36 per season ticket
What: Peter Pan, October 11-13 and 18-20
The Great Cross Country Race, February 14-16 and 21-23
Three Fairy Godmothers, April 18-20 and 25-27
More Info:


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