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Kid-Friendly Casseroles That Make Dinner SO Much Easier

Kid-Friendly Casseroles That Make Dinner SO Much Easier

Home cooks have been embracing the casserole for decades to get dinner on the table. And why not? Casseroles make every family’s life so much easier. They are:

  • Easy
  • Economical
  • Time savers
  • Able to be made ahead
  • A great use of leftovers
  • A meal in a dish
  • A way to sneak in a veggie or two

Casserole Variety Is the Spice of Life!

There are so many types of casserole recipes. I dare say there is a casserole that’s preparation will fit into just about EVERY type of busy day. My family is not very fond of ‘leftovers’, so I have become an expert at ‘leftover makeovers’. Any time we have chicken or ground beef, I almost always make extra to go in a casserole for the next day. Yesterday’s roast chicken can easily become today’s chicken pot pie, and cooked up ground beef can be split in half for spaghetti and the rest becomes tomorrows Tex-Mex ‘Cowboy’ Casserole or Tater Tot Casserole with zero complaints.

Some of the most popular recipes on my blog this past year were casseroles, and I am really excited to share some of them with y’all today!


Preacher’s Macaroni Casserole – This is the most popular casserole on my blog for last year.  Also one of my hubby’s favorites.  When you look at the simple ingredients list you would never guess how delicious it really is!

Baked Chicken Panzanella – This one comes together in under 30 minutes. I love this one using up leftover grilled chicken.

Cheesy Italian Chicken Pot Pie – This is my daughter’s favorite and the one she requests every chance she gets!


Easy Chicken Pot Pie – One bite of this chicken pot pie and you will never make it another way!

Tater Tot Casserole – Because who doesn’t like tater tots?

Sour Cream Noodle Bake – This one is a classic for a reason.  If you haven’t tried it yet, you need to – it is pure comfort food!


Tex-Mex Cowboy Casserole – This one turns out ALMOST too pretty to eat…. almost.

{homemade} Chicken Noodle Casserole – Granted, a lot of these recipes contain some  ‘convenience foods’.  (We ARE busy, and at least we skipped the drive thru right?)  But… this recipe is from scratch for those days when we have time… and homemade REALLY does tastes better!

BBQ Chicken Cornbread Bake – This is our newest favorite recipe.  You can sub leftover bbq pork for the bbq chicken too!


{Cornbread} Chicken & Dressing Casserole – You don’t have to wait til Thanksgiving to get your dressing fix.

{French Fried Onion} Chicken & Rice Casserole – Because french fried onions are the best thing ever!

I would love to know: What are your family’s favorite casseroles?

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