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Classical Conversations in Huntsville, AL

Classical Conversations in Huntsville, AL

Classical Conversations Huntsville, AL

Homeschooling has become a buzzword in 2020 thanks to Covid but there were plenty of families who were homeschooling pre-pandemic. We recently connected with Classical Conversations support representative Jeannie Jackson to ask some questions about the program she’s been a part of for years now. Read on to learn more about this Christian based homeschooling program and if it might be a good fit for you.

Location: Multiple Campuses located across the country and North Alabama
Grades/Ages of Students: K4 to College Credit
Religious affiliation: Christian
School motto: To know God and make Him known

What is your school’s predominant educational philosophy?

We believe in a Classical model of education with a Biblical Worldview.

What sets your school apart from other area programs?

We share a love of learning through a Christian worldview and fellowship with other families.

What resources/support do you offer for parents considering homeschooling or homeschooling for the first time?

Classical Conversations offers a one day per week meeting for parents and students. During our community day, concepts and teaching tools are modeled in an interactive and engaging way so that parents can repeat them at home on the other 4 school days of the week. Small classes of up to 8 students are led by parents who are compensated for their time and trained in classical methods. Communities are filled with families with all different levels of homeschooling experience. Newbies and veteran parents alike will find camaraderie and fellowship here.

See Also

What is the cost/tuition for enrolling with Classical Conversations? 

Tuition is varied based on the age of the student but is commensurate with the cost of a piano lesson per week.

Do you have advice for parents considering making the switch but who are concerned they might not be a good “teacher” for their child or who feel they may not have enough time outside of work to dedicate to teaching? 
Our program and approach are very parent intensive and are best suited to a parent who enjoys learning alongside their child and being personally involved in their education on a daily basis.

Upcoming events: You can always find these on our website at


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