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These Are a Few of Our Favorite (Huntsville) Things

These Are a Few of Our Favorite (Huntsville) Things

Huntsville gifts eggbeater Jesus Fow Wow shirts Hedge Lord

Here at Rocket City Mom, we are ALL ABOUT LOCAL. We eat, sleep, and breathe local. We cover local events, share information about local resources, and help our readers find local people and businesses to connect with. So, of course, we think everyone should shop local this holiday season.

“Local retailers are often the ones donating to charities or supporting little league teams, and shopping local this holiday season is a way to show support while stimulating our local economy,” said Melissa Warnke, the Manager of Communications and Engagement at The Alabama Retail Association. “You get the personal connection, the customer service that you get, and being able to know the people that your shopping with, and have that personal one on one connection.”

But we’ve got another great reason to shop local – cool gifts. When you buy your holiday gift from a small local business you know it’s going to be unique. Why give the same old tired DVD or toy that anyone could buy from any big retail chain? This year, buy something AWESOME.

Here’s our favorite gifts that are made in the Rocket City or are in some way Huntsville-centric. #ShopLocalYall

Our Favorite Rocket City Gift Ideas

Eggbeater Jesus Eggbeaters

Eggs never tasted so cosmic! Created after a Huntville icon, you can whisk your way into someone’s heart with this unique handmade gift.
Where You Can Get One: Lowe Mill’s‘s annual Holiday Artist Market or via Facebook

Rocket City Apparel

We love these clever shirts by Fow Wow Designs, and the best part is they show your love of all things Huntsville and come in many sizes – even kids!
Where You Can Get One: Shop online

Gift Cards From LOCAL Restaurants & Makers

The Huntsville Madison County Chamber of Commerce has come up with an easy way to support local, independently owned businesses this year! They’ve created an easy-to-use website at where you can browse small Huntsville businesses and purchase their gift cards. It’s perfect for teacher gifts, hostess gifts, or for your mailman and you can do all the shopping from home while still supporting the locally-owned restaurants & boutiques that give so much back to our economy and community. Brilliant!
Where You Can Get Some: – bookmark it!

Books About Huntsville for Kids

These children’s books all feature Huntsville within their covers and/or were written by Huntsville authors.

Where You Can Get One: Huntsville’s independent bookseller, Snail on the Wall,  can hook you up!

Snail on the Wall

Snail on the Wall

Anything Space Camp

As children of the 80s, we’re a sucker for anything and everything that’s got a Space Camp logo on it. NASA flight suits, astronaut ice cream, and this “Adventure Awaits” hoodie will please every space enthusiast on your list.
Where You Can Get It: USSRC Museum gift shop at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center

Cosmic Prints

I absolutely love my original print from Ethereal Geometry Arts. #OnlyInHuntsville
Where You Can Get One: Order from local artist Chris Wade’s Etsy shop, or swing by his studio at Lowe Mill

Toys & Games

If you don’t own the popular Huntsville-made board game, Hedge Lord by Timbrook Toys, can you really call yourself a Huntsvillian?
Where You Can Get It: Order via their website

Bath & Beauty

Shea creams, spa-grade skincare, and lovely smelling bath teas are some of our favorite items from this little farm on the outskirts of Huntsville.
Where You Can Get Them: 1818 Farms or any of these local retailers

Fine Leather Goods

Treat yo’self to handmade-in-Huntsville belts, wallets, journal covers, totes, purses, and more!
Where You Can Get Them: Holtz Leather Co.

Nibbles & Sips

One of our favorite things to give are gifts that are consumable. Combine them in a basket and they are perfect for teachers, party hosts, and friends! Just make sure your treats are Huntsville-made like these:

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in November 2017 and updated each year. 

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