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The ultimate Mother’s Day giveaway for new moms

The ultimate Mother’s Day giveaway for new moms

When you had babies, what was your “can’t live without it” item? We asked this question of Rocket City Mom readers recently. No surprise, a helpful husband (and wine) were top answers but we can’t give those away 🙂 #Sorry

So, we went down the list and took a look at the other items that were tops with new moms and found the following:

  1. Baby swing
  2. Baby sling
  3. Boppy
  4. Breast pump

Then, we approached our friends over at Babypalooza to see if they could help a Huntsville mom out. This exciting baby and maternity expo comes to Huntsville each year (it was originally scheduled for May but has now been moved to October 31 because of Covid-19) and is a great event for new and expecting moms to check out the latest gear and find resources to help them during this special time.

They were more than happy to contribute to helping one lucky new mom and so we present…

The Rocket City Mom/Babypalooza New Mom Giveaway of 2020

What You Win

One lucky new/expecting mama is going to win EVERYTHING! That’s right, one of each of these super cool “can’t live without it” items will be shipped to the winner’s home.

(1) Boppy – Review 
(1) Boppy Comfy Fit – Review
(1) Kalencom Diaper Bag – NOLA Backpack – Review
(1) Rumble Tuff Breast Pump – Review
(1) Infant Optics Monitor – Review
(1) 4moms MamaRoo4 Infant Seat – Review

How You Win

You only have to do one of the things on this list to have a chance at winning but doing everything will definitely increase your chances. Of course, if you are an extra nice friend you’ll consider sharing this post with your friends who are expecting so they’ll also have a shot at all these amazing prizes.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

More Details

Winner must live in the Tennessee Valley, be over the age of 18 at time of entry, and share a valid mailing address (no P.O. boxes) for items to be delivered to after winning. Failure to meet these requirements will result in another name being chosen.

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