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How Do You Keep Socks on a Baby ?

How Do You Keep Socks on a Baby ?

There are a few things I have learned since becoming a mom only a few short months ago:

1) The Love everyone tells you about is absolutely true and overwhelming.

2) There will be weeks possibly months (hopefully not years) in your life where you are happy for just 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

3) If you wear glasses, just buy a cheap pair until your offspring understands that grabbing your specs is a serious offense.

4) And there is no way – that I know of – that will keep socks on a baby. It’s a battle that I fight every day. She is a little Houdini with those things… Now you see them, now you don’t!

If you’ve got tips on how to keep socks on a baby PLEASE, for the love of all things sacred and holy, share them in the comments!

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