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Gift Wrapping Tips From Us to You

Gift Wrapping Tips From Us to You

Every parent has been there – the dreaded late-night gift wrapping session. Since rage-quitting isn’t an option when your paper won’t quite cover the whole gift box, we consulted a veteran gift wrapper for her best tips & tricks to get the job done! Isha Green demonstrates how she gets everything wrapped and shipped to her military husband serving overseas and her daughter away at college.

TLDW Gift Wrapping Tips

If you don’t have time to watch the whole video, here are Isha’s best gift wrapping tips to help you through the holidays.

Prep Your Supplies

A lot of wrapping stress is caused by not having the right tools on hand. You wouldn’t start cooking a meal without laying out the ingredients, and wrapping a present is no different. Go ahed and grab all the paper, tape, scissors, ribbons, and other supplies you might need BEFORE you start.

PRO-TIP: If you’re an online shopper, hang on to the bubble packing you get in your order boxes to use for your own gift wrapping later. This is especially good if you frequently mail gifts.

Don’t Skimp On the Paper

Dollar Store wrapping paper isn’t recommended for exterior gift wrapping. It’s texture is too thin and will rip and tear easily when transporting gifts from one location to another. That does make it a great option to use as tissue paper though!

You don’t have to buy the priciest paper by any means, but try to find a heavier weight for optimum creasing and durability reasons. Most good wrapping paper rolls also have a grid on the opposite side that helps keep your gift from looking like Picasso wrapped it.

Shear Harmony

When it comes to scissors, the sharper the better. Dull scissors will cause your paper to snag and tear and make wrapping gifts take a lot longer. There’s few things as satisfying than that smooth glide of the scissors up a fresh roll of paper. That said, keep them well out of reach of small children! Scissor-related injuries are common this time of year.

Don’t Hurt Yourself

Between the cooking and shopping and holiday errand-running, you’re already on your feet a lot. Be sure when you settle in to wrap you find a surface that won’t stress your back or neck. One little tweak gone wrong and you could put yourself out of commission, or be really uncomfortable during the holidays. A kitchen table or island is most ideal for a marathon wrapping session.

Keep It a Surprise!

For round gifts like balls or other toys, use an envelope wrapping method to keep them guessing. (Watch this demonstrated at 15:00 minute mark in the video.)

For large items, consider ways to disassemble pieces to make them easier to wrap and disguise the gift. Watch this demonstrated at the 29:00 minute mark in the video.)

Big thanks to our friends at the Huntsville Botanical Garden Gift Shoppe for letting us take over their beautiful space for a while!

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