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All About HSO’s Music Explorers Club
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All About HSO’s Music Explorers Club

Huntsville Symphony Orchestra

Get your passports ready for a musical journey and educational expeditions! The Huntsville Symphony Orchestra launches the Music Explorers Club, formerly Opus Tadpole.

Farewell to Opus Tadpole

If your family loved Opus Tadpole, don’t be sad! The reason behind the name switch is because the this popular music event for kids is growing. And for the oldest continuously operating symphony orchestra in the state, that’s a very good thing.

Sharon Hicks, HSO Education Director, explains. “When we decided to expand the program outside the walls of the Concert Hall, we chose to make the name as universally appealing as possible. With its new name, we thought of interactive elements that promote inclusion and encourage kids and families to keep coming back!”

Kids will still learn all about music and musical instruments, and get a feel for the local culture by making some music of their own on HSO-provided equipment.

“Passports” will be given out and stamped at each lesson. Once a passport is filled with six musical instrument stamps, kids will win a prize!

Music Explorers Club is free to children and families. For more information, visit

See Also

Music Explorers Club Details

Some MEC events will be at the Mark C. Smith Concert Hall, and others will be at the Huntsville Library. Mark your calendars – each session will feature something new!

Get the current Music Explorer’s Club Schedule HERE.

About the Huntsville Symphony Orchestra (HSO)

The Huntsville Symphony Orchestra (HSO) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Long considered the region’s premier performing arts group, the Huntsville Symphony Orchestra has set the standard in North Alabama for artistic quality, community support and service through education. For over six decades, the HSO’s acclaimed concerts and award-winning education programs have inspired performers, audiences, children, benefactors, and the entire community.

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