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Kid Report: Huntsville Botanical Garden

Kid Report: Huntsville Botanical Garden

Flowers. Hobbit Huts. Hammocks. What do these three things have in common? You can find them all at the Huntsville Botanical Gardens!

My favorite areas were, in no particular order: the koi pond, hammocks, and the children’s playground.

Right now, the Botanical Gardens is having a Houses, Huts, and Habitats exhibit located, well everywhere. I’m a big fan of scavenger hunts and this was right up my alley. Searching high and low for the various homes (they do provide a map, but where is the fun in that?) was so exciting. I loved looking for them, at them, and imagining what tiny inhabitants might be within. My absolute favorite one was the hobbit house located right when you first go down the steps from the cafe into the park. It’s my favorite because I’ve watched Lord of the Rings with my dad and this one reminded me of the homes in the movie.

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I think it was a good idea to have a children’s play area too. My friend and I had fun running around and being silly. Since it was a hot day, even I played in the water features!

The walking trails and flowers brought calm and made me feel relaxed. I could totally see myself bringing a picnic lunch, a blanket, my schoolwork and hanging out all day. I have it on my list to discuss with my mom.

After all the running, my friend and I headed for the circle of hammocks. You’d think that we’d just relax, right? Well, she’s kind of a tomboy so we had fun swinging each other on them and seeing who could stay on the longest. Then, we piled on our moms! I dumped mine right onto the ground. It was funny.

It was such a great place I ended up going back there again and randomly running into other friends. This time we fed the fish at the koi pond! The fish range from large to just hatched babies! Look VERY closely and you will see them.

See Also

My entire family enjoyed our experiences so much, we became members so we can enjoy it as often as we like. Perhaps one day, I’ll see you there.

Huntsville Botanical Garden Details

Admission: $12 for adults, $8 per child ages 3-18, no admission for toddlers aged 2 and under, or for members
Hours: Tuesday – Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Sunday: 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Submitted By Kayia L.
Age 10 and aspiring writer at Rocket City Kid

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