Be a Part of Our Gang

New year, new look! We’ve made a few minor cosmetic adjustments to this site – like many of you, we took advantage of the break to do a little tidying, polishing, and reorganizing. What do you think? Hopefully it’s not too drastic for all you purists, but will make finding all the good information much easier.
That said, we have lots of new readers – HEY Y’ALL! – and they might not know about all the reviews, directories, and resources that make up Rocket City Mom. Or maybe you’ve been a victim of Selective Facebook Sharing Syndrome, and missed some important stuff. Consider this your refresher!
How To Get the Most Out of Rocket City Mom
Get the App
Believe it or not, our free app has some hidden gems not found on our website: deals from local businesses, a list of local thrift stores, and all the resources a visitor to Huntsville would want thanks to the Huntsville Madison County Convention & Visitors Bureau. Find it in iTunes or Google Play by searching “Rocket City Mom”.
Sign Up for Our Weekly Newsletter
As commitments go, this could hardly be called one. One email a week. We NEVER share it. You get ALL of our weekly content straight to your inbox AND it automatically enters you to win the bulk of our giveaways, which we’ve taken off social media and host almost exclusively to our email newsletter subscribers.
Follow, Like, Pin, & Tweet
We like connecting with our Readers on social media, and we post different things on different channels.
Put Our Calendar to Work
Did you know you can look for certain things using the filter function on our Event Calendar? Search for Free Events, Indoor Events if it’s raining, Events by Age, and more. You can also change the way you see the calendar – if a list is too boring for you, see events according to how close they are to your house, or as a visual list with photos. You can even add your own community events here.
Add Your Opinion
Go look under “Reader Picks” up at the top – go ahead, it’s right there under our logo if you are on a desktop computer. If you are on your phone it’s at the top and the menu icon looks like this:
We get almost daily questions from parents about local “Bests” – where to take the kids to the dentist, what kind of photographer to use, how to find a good pediatrician or daycare, where kids can take a good art class. Readers can get recommendations and submit their own in our Mom Recommended Directory.
Let Us Be Your Guide
We have TWELVEÂ Local Guides we’ve worked hard to put together, and we guarantee at least a few will be useful to you. Even before you become a parent, our Pregnancy Guide will help you out, and it continues from there with Childcare, Youth Sports, Classes & Lessons, Kids Eat Free, and more you’ll just have to click over to see.
So take some time to explore, send in your own recommendations, download the app, and visit us on social media. We’ve put a ton of blood, sweat, and tears into this site just for YOU – get the most out of it!
Rocket City Mom is a website about raising children in and around Huntsville, Alabama. Started in late 2010 by a local mom and newcomer to Huntsville, Rocket City Mom has grown into a thriving community of local parents and now boasts a staff of four, thirteen regular contributors, and tens of thousands of Tennessee Valley readers making it the #1 Parenting Resource in North Alabama.