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RCM Book it to the Library This September

RCM Book it to the Library This September

Weekly Storytime Schedule

Bailey Cove Library
Book Buddies: Wednesday 9:15-9:45 & Thursdays 10:30-11:00 (ages 3-5)
Mother Goose: Wednesdays 10:30-11:15 & Thursdays 9:15-9:45
Little Bits Lapsit (RSVP) Fridays 9:30-10:15 (12 months & younger)

Madison Library
Baby Sign: Mondays 9:30-10:00
Toddler: Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 9:30-9:50
Preschool: Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 10:30-11:00
Saturday Storytime: weekend varies 10-11am, see calendar

Main Library
Rockin’ Storytime: Mondays & Wednesdays at 10:30-11:15 (all ages)
Wiggles & Walking: Tuesdays 10:30-11:15 (babies who are walking)
Tremendous Toddlers: Thursdays: 10:30-11:15 (ages 2+)

Eleanor Murphy Library: Tuesday Tales: Tuesdays 10:30-11:00 AM

Gurley Library: Wednesdays @ 10:30 AM

Monrovia Library: Mondays & Thursdays 10:30-11:00 AM (birth-5 years)

Tillman Hill Library
: Fridays at 11:00 AM

You might have seen the colorful Ready Reader library van all over Huntsville & Madison County.
You might have seen the colorful Ready Reader library van all over Huntsville & Madison County.

Special Library Events

Mom’s Workout Wednesday

BRANCH: Oscar Mason Branch
DATE: 10 am on Sept. 2,9,16,23 & 30 Oct. 7,14,21 & 28 Nov. 4,18 Dec. 2,9 & 16
INFO: Come join the fun as we get healthier & workout with friends. This program is free.

Preschool Story Time at Monrovia

BRANCH: Monrovia Public Library
DATE: Mondays and Thursdays, 10:30 a.m Stories, songs, crafts and more for children birth to age five. INFO: Themes for September include rhyming, cowboys, pirates, dinosaurs and space. For more information contact Mandee Farley at 256-489-3392 or

Home School Program – Your Library

BRANCH: Monrovia Public Library
DATE: Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2:00 p.m.
INFO: Home School students from Kindergarten to Fourth grade enjoy stories, games, crafts and more, while we learn how to use the library. For more information contact Mandee Farley at 256-489-3392 or

Family Painting Class in Madison

BRANCH: Madison Public Library
DATE: Sept 12th @ 10am
INFO: The family that paints together has fun together at the Madison Public Library. This class is appropriate for all ages, and parents are encouraged to paint with their children. Sign up with Ms Maggie at 256-461-0046 or

Monrovia Masterminds Science Club – Space

BRANCH: Monrovia Public Library
DATE: Thursday, Sep. 17, 4:00 p.m.
INFO: Students from 2nd to 5th grades enjoy hands on science experiments and more. Space is our theme for September. For more information contact Mandee Farley at 256-489-3392 or

Family Movie Night in Monrovia

BRANCH: Monrovia Public Library
DATE: Friday, Sep. 18, 6:00 p.m.
INFO: Join us for a free family-friendly movie in a comfortable setting. Popcorn and water available for 25 cents each. For more information contact Cindy Hewitt at 256-489-3392 or

Family Craft – Cork Pocket Animals

BRANCH: Eleanor E. Murphy
DATE: September 19th at 3:00 – 4:30pm
INFO: Drop-in with the whole family for our monthly craft. This month we’re making super-cute fall themed cork pocket animals. All ages are welcome! Please arrive no later than 4:10 to allow enough time. Contact Ms. Haley at for more info.

Fall Puppet Show

BRANCH: Eleanor E. Murphy
DATE: September 22nd at 4:00pm
INFO: Great for kids of all ages! This not-so-scary monster show features 3 stories, rhymes, music and will be followed by a simple craft.

Teen Painting Studio in Madison

BRANCH: Madison Public Library
DATES: 9/20/15; 10/4/15; 11/8/15
INFO: Join Miss LeAnna in the Meeting Room to paint a new scene or topic each month. No need to bring anything; canvases and paint will be provided! For more information, contact


Recurring Library Events


Do Re Mi Music Class

BRANCH: Madison Public Library
DATE: 2nd and 4th Thursdays @ 4pm
INFO: Children’s beginning music class for K-2nd grades. Class limited to first 20 children. Questions? Contact Miss LeAnna at

X Factor Book Club

BRANCH: Madison Public Library
DATE: 4th Thursdays @ 4pm
INFO: Are you a 3rd – 5th grader who’s always looking for the next great read? Join us at our first book club aimed at advanced Juvi readers. Questions about next book selection? Contact Ms Maggie at 256-461-0046 or for more info!

Read Write Action

BRANCH: Madison Public Library
DATE: 2nd, 3rd, 4th Wednesdays @ 4pm
INFO: Each month teens will have an opportunity to write a script (2nd Wed @ 4pm),
film the script (3rd Wed @ 4pm), & watch the performances (4th Wed @ 4pm).
September Challenge: Retell a Scene from Your Favorite Book
Teens (ages 13-18) may participate in our monthly video challenge contest. Teams may consist of no more than
4 members and scenes must be less than 7 minutes filmed. Winners will earn at cash prize.
For more information, contact or

Fandom Fest

BRANCH: Madison Public Library
DATE: 2nd Thursday of each month @ 4pm
INFO: Grab your sonic screwdrivers, wands, or rings of power and join us in the teen room to explore a different fandom each month. We will watch, craft, and eat yummy fandom-themed snacks!
For more information, contact


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