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Crafting with Kids: Nature Weaving

Crafting with Kids: Nature Weaving

For my children, the back yard is a magical place to be this time of year. As the grass begins to grow taller and the flowers (AKA weeds) begin to sprout, it becomes a wonderful sensory jungle for my little ones to explore. Much to my delight, simply “going outside” is some of the cheapest entertainment I can offer them as the temperatures begin to warm.

Here is a fun, super-inexpensive project that makes the most of all the treasure hunting early spring has to offer on your own front lawn.

Materials Nature Weaving

What you Need:
  • Scraps of cardboard
  • Scissors
  • String, twine or yarn
  • Tape

MakeLoom Nature Weaving

How to Make a Simple Cardboard Loom

  • Cut a scrap of cardboard into a small rectangle (ours measured about 4” x 6”).
  • Snip notches along each end, about ½” long and ½” apart.
  • Wind your string, twine or thread around your cardboard through the notches, taping in place at the beginning and end. The string should be taut, but not so tight that it buckles the cardboard.

Weaving Nature

How to Make a Nature Weaving

  • Using a cardboard loom and working on the front side, begin weaving your nature findings over and under the strings, from one side to the other, looping back at each end as is possible. We started with long, thick blades of grass.
  • Continue, “weaving” your findings to the end of the loom, working over and under the strings as you go. You can use anything small enough to fit in the loom – small leaves, flowers, sticks, etc.
  • Older children can create weavings by themselves; younger children will need some help, but will still have a great time! My children (2 and 4 years old) enjoyed gathering “pretty” nature findings from the yard, and helping me pull through blades of grass or flower stems that I started for them.

Finished2 Nature Weaving

[themify_box style=”lavender rounded” ]Want more awesome crafts for kids? We’ve got loads for you HERE. [/themify_box]


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