Chasing Supermom

I often think to myself that I should invent a “pause” button. Think about it ladies. What if, for just one single moment, we could put everything we’re doing down and just press pause, breathe, take a nap, go to the gym, read a book uninterrupted, or just enjoy the silence? Lisa McClendon, a singer songwriter and mom of eight penned these words: “Two kids yelling mama! Does anybody know my name? Lord, keep me from going insane!”
We all know deep down that we’re not insane, but sometimes feel two steps away from being classified in that category. The word balance in the life of any mom is hard, stressful, unachievable, and even “dreamy” to most of us. But there is a solution to our problems, and an end to our madness, I promise.
As a mother of two, a 4-year-old and a 3-year-old, I know all too well about trying to balance a full time job, a husband, full time ministry, and a home. Moms, we love our children unconditionally. As natural multipliers it is our sincere desire to see everyone else happy, because when the people we love the most are happy, we are happy. However, often times, we end up neglected, bitter, and desiring nothing more than to just sit alone.
[pullquote type=”2″ align=”right”]“As much as we’d love to bear the title of “supermom”, multi-tasking on end, cooking, cleaning, and caring for the world, we have to be honest with ourselves first.”[/pullquote]So here’s what I’ve done. I’ve created my own “pause” button. Well, not literally, but figuratively. And it starts with us as moms being honest. As much as we’d love to bear the title of “supermom”, multi-tasking on end, cooking, cleaning, and caring for the world, we have to be honest with ourselves first. Truthfully, “supermom” is not whether or not you can do a million things in one day to me anymore. “Supermom” means that I’ve created an atmosphere in my home that envelops love, peace, and one where my kids see me and don’t think I’m busy or stressed out all the time.
My daughter came to me some time last year and said, “Mommy, you’re always working. Even when you’re home you’re working. Can you watch a movie with me?” My heart sunk. I was trying to be “supermom” instead of HER mom.
Here’s the next step. I had a sit-down with my husband and I told him that there are times when I need to pause, and I need you to take the kids, take the house and everything and allow me to pause. Why? Because I’m a better giver when I’ve first given to myself. He understood, and welcomed it – because he wants the best for me.
Ladies, whatever you need to do to create your “pause” button, do it. You end up being a better mom, wife, and person. Because at the end of the day without all of the titles we bear, we’re a person. And that’s the person we want the world to see.
Mom of two toddlers. Wife. Loves People. Loves God. Huntsville native and Philadelphia hybrid. Kristen Wilson is a poop stain and baby throw up survivor. And whether she’s in five-inch heels or barefoot teaching dance classes, she’s as real as they come. Known for her transparency and real approach to life, she strives to share her experiences on balancing every aspect of life while still having fun; encouraging others to pursue the best they can be one day at a time.