Sometimes Being a Mom is Dirty Business
The following event happened a couple years ago but whenever whenever we have sick ones in the house and I start to get worn down, I think about this and it reminds me that this Mommy gig is hard but totally worth it.
We had been dealing with lots of poop at our house. A little figurative poop, and a whole lot of the real thing. My poor Reagan had a stomach bug and just couldn’t seem to get it together. Life at our house was hard.
Well, I spent two weeks cleaning up poop in the bathtub (GROSS!), poop on the floor, poop all around the toilet, and, I can’t believe I’m telling you this, even poop ON THE WALL (sorry if this is completely disgusting you . . . ) Some of you have been there and done this, and understand my pain! Others of you are in the thick of it with me, and ohhhhhhh, how I understand your pain too.
One morning I knew I was in for it when I turned the corner on my stairwell and could smell the poop from down the hall (with the door shut, mind you.) Sure enough, my poor baby had poop everywhere. I bathed her, changed her sheets, lathered her up with lotion, and got her dressed. As I was putting her top on, she put those grubby little hands around my face, pulled my ear close (she loves to tell secrets) and whispered, “You da best momma eeeeeeee-ber”. (Translation for all you folks not still speaking baby: “You’re the best momma ever, thank you so much for cleaning up my poop, AGAIN!”)
Some days the poop is worth it.