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So Much Goodness

So Much Goodness

A few weeks ago I got the following email in my inbox after spending the weekend driving around town with my mother-in-law and husband.

I currently live in Washington DC and my husband’s job is going to be relocated to Huntsville later this year. So yesterday I arrived at the city for the first time to visit and saw your car with the Rocket City Moms logo. I got so excited and started screaming in the car, I know her, I follow her blog!! It felt like home!! I felt like I already knew someone in the city.

It was great to be able to find your blog when we were making the decision to move here. Every week I look for ideas of what I am going to be doing when I move to Huntsville. Thanks for all your hard work … And if you see a crazy lady honking at you, it is probably me just excited to see you. 🙂 – J

I probably don’t need to tell you that THIS made my day. Even reading it now I get all smiley. Folks, this is why I started Rocket City Mom. I was this woman. Moving from far away to a city where I didn’t know anyone and trying to figure out what I was going to do with my little one, how I was going to meet people and what I was going to do with my time. So it makes me insanely happy that I’m now helping people get excited about and get to know Huntsville. It really is a great place to raise a family and I’m glad I can make it just a tiny bit better.

Add to this excitement a whole slew of developments for RCM and I am absolutely giddy. We now have a new column in Madison Weekly magazine and new contributors Russell Winn and Miranda Cohoon who write about education and health/wellness respectively. We also finally lauched our Mom Recommended Directory and are adding new local businesses every day. If you’re looking for a MMO program, childcare or photographers be sure to check out the recommendations from local moms. Soon we’ll be adding recommendations for recreation, homecare, health services and much more! If you have a local business that you just love, don’t keep it to yourself. Fill out the form on our homepage and share with other area moms.

You're Great!
Finally, I just want to say a huge thanks to all the parents who have helped us grow to where we are now. Thank you for telling your friends about us, thanks for making comments on our articles, thanks for your suggestions on how to make the site better. Most importantly, thank you to all the contributors to this site who do it for the love of writing and sharing information. Visit their personal blogs and show them a little love by following them on Twitter and making comments on their articles. They may not realize it but they, not me, are what truly make this site what it is. It might be called Rocket City Mom but this website is a lot more than just a personal blog. It’s a love letter to a wonderful city from the parents who raise their families here.


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