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Crafts for the Not-So-Crafty

Crafts for the Not-So-Crafty

Paper Towel Butterfly
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times on here…I am not a craft person. But, I am a mother and that means I have done my share of craft activities. My husband, not so much. If your hubby is like mine, he might need a little nudge in the right direction if you want something handmade on Sunday. Here are some links you can share with him for really cute and super easy Mother’s Day crafts.

Wordle Poster
Paper Towel Butterfly
Stick Vase
Coffee Filter Daffodil
Mom’s Special Wish Jar
Special Words Pencil Cup

Finally, submitted by a reader: “Thumbody Loves You” – Take construction paper and make a card, then have child put their thumb prints on the front of the card. Make picture out of the thumb prints into flowers and bees, by using the thumb print as the center of the flower and the body of the bees. You can add clouds in the sky and a tree or use your imagination Then write on the inside thumb-body loves you.

Do you have a great and easy craft idea? Share in the comment section and help a dad (or mom) out!

P.S. I can’t be the only one that thinks the featured photo on this post looks like Hyperbole and a Half, right?


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