We Get a Kick Out of Alexander’s Martial Arts

Our middle boy is atypical of the Middle Child Syndrome: he’s got a huge heart, is quiet and sensitive, and although he’s one of the biggest in his class, he’s quick to defend the underdog.
He’s NOT great, however, at standing up for himself – we’ve had a long history of trying to convince him to not let his “friends” treat him badly. (Luckily, he’s just made real friends who don’t WANT to treat him badly.)
When he and his father visited the Good Day Fest last year, he spun a prize wheel and won two free lessons at Alexander’s Martial Arts. His father was staunchly against “teaching violence,” but I thought Meh, maybe he’ll learn a thing or two. And it’s only two lessons. How much can anyone get out of that?
Turns out, kids can get a lot out of that.
From the moment we stepped in the Alexander’s Martial Arts building, the focus was on my sweet boy. It wasn’t about tearing someone else down, it was about making HIM feel confident enough in any situation that he could handle himself appropriately.
I’ll boil it down to this – it’s more Mr. Miyagi than Cobra Kai.
Alexander’s Martial Arts has some core competencies in mind, and while all of them are applicable to karate, they’re also life skills: Focus, Speed, Determination are some of them. They believe in developing leaders. They have monthly homework sheets that tackle a certain personality trait that leaders exhibit. And while it can be overwhelming at first, it’s not too cumbersome that you feel you’re having to fight ANOTHER homework battle.
I’ll admit – it’s not cheap. But after two lessons and receiving his first belt, my son stood taller and beamed with pride. My gentle giant, who never has exhibited any physical prowess at all, was suddenly shouting, “Mom, did you see me? I did it!” I’m actually getting misty-eyed just typing about it. He was proud of himself, and y’all, I’m sorry – you can’t put a price tag on that.
Alexander’s Martial Arts Programs
Basic Lil Dragons – (ages 4 & 5 years old) These classes teach your child confidence, self-discipline and the motor skills necessary to get a head start on both Martial Arts and Life. Classes are 30 minutes long and designed for the younger children. There is an older Lil Dragons class for ages 5-6 that is 45 minutes long.
Youth Program – (ages 7 – 13) Your child will learn the positive benefits of self-discipline and confidence, develop coordination and increase strength and flexibility. And because a structure of respect is built into Martial Arts, children develop the ability to listen, learn and achieve within a highly regulated environment.
Adult Program – The Adult Karate Program at AMA teaches the same Black Belt Qualities as our Youth Program: self-discipline, confidence, focus, respect, strength, flexibility, fitness and coordination. Our goal is to challenge you to be in excellent physical condition in addition to being an excellent member and contributor to our community.
Birthday Parties – Read the Alexander’s Martial Arts It’s My Party review.
Alexander’s Martial Arts Details
- Hampton Cove: 6511 U.S. 431 Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763 | Phone: 256-539-8175
- Madison: 51 Nance Rd #104, Madison, AL 35758 | Phone: 256-837-8624
- Winchester Road: 1882 Winchester Road, Huntsville, AL 35811 | Phone: 256-852-5440
Wrangler of Rocket Scientists, Sarah Lena; has been beguiling hearts at The Anvil Tree; for over ten years now. Mom and StepMom to the masses, she proclaims herself Defender of Underdogs Everywhere as well as The Queen of Snark. You can also follow her on Twitter at @SarahLena.