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Love Is In the Air in Huntsville

Love Is In the Air in Huntsville

Consider this post your official “Two Weeks Until Valentine’s Day” reminder! Date Night is a popular topic with our readers, and we regularly get questions asking about the best places in Huntsville to spend a rare night away from the kids.

It’s so popular, we thought it was a good time to recap our favorite spots that might inspire you to treat yourself and your Significant Other.

Why You Deserve It

Like unicorns, hot sparkly vampires, and bipartisan politicians, many couples categorize the elusive Date Night as a mythical thing, rarely (if ever) seen. But what if an expert told you that you can’t afford NOT to schedule regular Alone Time with your significant other? Read all about the five ways having a night out without the kids can strengthen your marriage or relationship:
That Mythical Thing Called Date Night

Date Night Final

Best Places To Go

[sws_blockquote_endquote align=”” cite=”Desperately Needs a Date Night” quotestyle=”style03″]We are new to Huntsville and I’m looking for a regular spot for my husband and I to call “our” spot, but I can’t seem to find any mention in the reviews of restaurants that are good for kidless evenings. Needs to have live music (but not so loud that we can’t hear each other talk) – and can be a dive. Any help? Thanks! [/sws_blockquote_endquote]

It’s funny how one email can initiate an entire conversation, and we received some excellent replies from fellow Rocket City Parents. Read them all in our post, Date Night Destinations in Huntsville.

If you’re a foodie, be sure to visit local restaurant blogger The Dining Dragon for some great recommendations, and the Huntsville-Madison County Convention & Visitor’s Bureau Facebook page for some great Valentine hotel deals here in Huntsville. An overnight getaway with your sweetie sans kids just might be in order!


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