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Soccer Shots of North Alabama

Soccer Shots of North Alabama

When my son Dax turned three years-old, my husband (who is a soccer player himself) and I started to look around for soccer options for him. Luckily in the Huntsville area, there are different programs to choose from, and when we heard about Soccer Shots from a friend, we decided to give it a try.

With Dax being so young and knowing nothing about soccer, Soccer Shots sounded like a good start; it’s ranked as a leading intro-to-soccer program. They bring instructors to the field to work with the kids, teaching them the techniques of soccer in a fun environment. We also liked that they didn’t require us to buy uniforms, cleats, and shin guards — the kids can wear tennis shoes and their own clothes. So I went to their website and read all about them and then called and spoke to Coach Leslie herself. I liked what I learned so we signed up!

Coach Leslie and her instructors were awesome with the little kids, especially the ones who were a little clingy to their moms and the ones with short attention spans. She made up cute little games for them to play while practicing dribbling, passing and shooting; she even had a Cookie Monster game that Dax loved! He had fun without realizing that he was building skills needed to play soccer. And at the end of each session, the kids had a short scrimmage to get used to the game environment. We thought it was a fantastic introduction to soccer and we plan to continue with Soccer Shots!

Soccer Shots

For older ages, Soccer Shots teaches both introduction as well as advanced soccer skills and team play. For example, if you have a child who tried a different sport and decided they want to give soccer a try, Soccer Shots is a good starting place, even at age 8. And shin guards are recommended but not required for kids ages six and up for protection — Coach Leslie says she teaches the kids how to put them on themselves, how to tell left from right, etc.

See Also

Interested in signing up? Coach Leslie encourages anyone interested in Soccer Shots to contact her and she will answer whatever questions you have. The programs are customizable and can be done at birthday parties, moms clubs, daycares, schools, homeschool groups, churches, neighborhoods—anywhere that has at least six kids! Fall registration is happening now, so don’t delay!


  • Can parents stay and watch? Yes!
  • Can parents drop their child off? Yes! Soccer Shots is DHR certified and runs background checks on all of their instructors.
  • Can a child participate in an older age group? Yes!
  • What is the cost? Participation is approximately $50 – $65 per month, depending on what location you choose. Scholarships are available for those in need.
  • Can my group form a Soccer Shots team? Yes! The program can be set up any way your group wants –  it can be a one day program, 8 week program, 4 week program, etc.


Phone: (256) 230-5246
View Soccer Shots of North Alabama Website


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