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Quarantine Bunny is coming to a Madison neighborhood near you

Quarantine Bunny is coming to a Madison neighborhood near you

Let’s face it, Spring 2020 is just not working out. First it was St. Patrick’s day, then opening day of baseball, then spring break, and now Easter is looking bleak. We all understand that #StayHome is of vital importance and hopefully, everyone is modeling good behavior and doing just that as much as possible.

Still, parents are understandably desperate to bring some semblance of normalcy to their children’s lives during these crazy times. Visits with and maybe pictures of the Easter Bunny are pretty high on that list for many families but not worth the risk right now.

Cue Quarantine Bunny

For some very lucky Madison families, seeing the Easter Bunny and even getting a picture is still possible. This weekend, starting on Friday, April 3, the Quarantine Bunny will be driving through various Madison neighborhoods to wave and bring some Easter cheer.

Rocket City Mom got an exclusive interview with Mr. QB himself to find out just how this drive-by Easter visit plan was hatched.

“I was sitting on my porch (keeping the requisite 6′ from the neighbors) and thinking about how I could see all the kids but still keep everyone safe. I thought maybe 10 or so people would actually want me to do this. I had initially hoped to have Huntsville on the agenda but it took off and now I think I’ll probably only have time for Madison.”

Details that include which neighborhoods will be visited on which days and times can be found by visiting the Facebook event (see link below) for this very special drive-by. When Quarantine Bunny comes through your neighborhood, if children want a photo they should be standing at the bottom of their driveway at the allotted time for their neighborhood. Look for a Grey Nissan Versa with a large Easter Bunny! sign and remember, no high-fives or hugs this year but lots of smiles!

QB asks that parents remember, “Times are not set in stone and depending on the number of kids and traffic it could be 10 or so minutes off. This is a good time for families to get outside and enjoy the weather while they wait.”


When: Fri. April 3, starting at 4:30PM | Sat. April 4, starting at 11AM | Sun. April 5, starting at 11AM
Where: Madison neighborhoods (check Facebook for changing details)
More Details & Up-to-date schedule: Facebook Event

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