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Beat Back Cabin Fever with a Yonder Outdoor Scavenger Hunt

Beat Back Cabin Fever with a Yonder Outdoor Scavenger Hunt

yonder girl wading in a creek

Are you bored doing school work? I know I am because it’s just all on the computer right now. For me and 722,000 other students across the state of Alabama, we are all stuck at home. Some of us are playing video games, reading, or just goofing off. And many of us are bored and have CABIN FEVER.

So that’s why I thought of the Yonder Outdoor Scavenger Hunt (#YOSH) to unbore myself, and I want to share it with you. The great thing about YOSH is you can get exercise and fresh air, and move around. Plus you can still observe the rules of social distancing, which is definitely important right now. Personally, I enjoy learning with hands-on activities. So if you are like me, this is a fun way to entertain yourself without staring at a screen.

Don’t worry if you don’t find everything, but I bet you can find most just looking around your backyard and neighborhood. So go for a walk, a hike, or just be outside. To see what I’ve found so far check out my blog. And I would love to see pictures of your discoveries, so please share with #YOSH on Facebook and Instagram.

See you out there (from six feet away.) Onward!

#YOSH Outdoor Scavenger Hunt

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Yonder Girl Scavenger Hunt

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